首页> 外国专利> Berlin blue prodn. - by forming ferrous ferrocyanide at a specif. temp. converting it to berlin white and oxidising

Berlin blue prodn. - by forming ferrous ferrocyanide at a specif. temp. converting it to berlin white and oxidising

机译:柏林蓝色产品。 -通过形成特定的亚铁氰化亚铁。温度将其转化为柏林白并氧化


Berlin Blue is made by reacting Ca or Na ferrocyanide with a Fe (II) salt at a pH of 7, converting the acid ferrous ferrocyanide to Berlin White with (in)organic K salts at pH 1-6 and oxidising this Berlin White as per the parent patent wherein the acid ferrous ferrocyanide is formed at 25-60 degrees C, esp. 40 degrees C. The softness is improved.
机译:柏林蓝是通过使Ca或Na亚铁氰化物与pH为7的Fe(II)盐反应制成的,将酸性亚铁氰化物与pH值为1-6的有机K盐转化为Berlin White并按照母体专利,其中酸性亚铁氰化亚铁在25-60℃下形成,尤其是。 40℃。柔软度提高。



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