首页> 外国专利> method and device for manufacture of oeffnungsfaeden reasoned eindosenbehaeltern manufactured from flexible folienhaelften

method and device for manufacture of oeffnungsfaeden reasoned eindosenbehaeltern manufactured from flexible folienhaelften



New cpds. of formula (I): (where R1 is halogen or NO2, R2 is opt. halo-substd lower alkyl or dialkylaminoalkyl, R3 is H or halogen, R4 is H, opt. carboxy- or alkoxycarbonyl-substd. aliphatic acyl, or opt. halo-substd. aromatic acyl) and their salts have sedative, tranquillising, muscle-relaxant, anxiolytic and anticonvulsant activity. They can be prepd. e.g. by reacting a 1-R2-5-(O-R3-C6H4)-7-R1-2H-1, 4-benzodiazepin-2-one with HCHO in the presence of a base to give (I, R4 = H), which is opt. acylated.
机译:新的cpds。式(I)的通式:(其中R 1是卤素或NO 2,R 2是选择为卤代的低级烷基或二烷基氨基烷基,R 3是H或卤素,R 4是H,选择为羧基或烷氧基羰基的脂族酰基,或(卤素取代的芳香族酰基)及其盐具有镇静,镇定,舒缓肌肉,抗焦虑和抗惊厥的活性。他们可以准备。例如在碱的存在下,使1-R2-5-(O-R3-C6H4)-7-R1-2H-1,4-苯并二氮杂-2--2-与HCHO反应得到(I,R4 = H),选择。酰化。



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