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a building block for a schaltungsanordnung to influence the dynamics of audio compression or by expansion of the störgeräuschvermittlung



1,120,541. Compandors. R. M. DOLBY. 25 July, 1966 [11 Aug., 1965; 11 Oct., 1965; 18 Jan., 1966], Nos. 34394/65, 43136/65 and 2368/66. Heading H4R. A compressor comprises a straight through signal path the output from which is added to the output of another path consisting of an amplifier and a limiter. An expander comprises a straight through path from the output of which is subtracted the output of a second path, connected to the output of the subtracting device and including an amplifier and a limiter. The arrangement introduces less distortion since a large part of the signal is always obtained from the straight through path. A number of further paths may be provided, each including a filter so that the compression or expansion is limited to a particular frequency band. Fig. 3 shows an RC filter and diode limiter for use in a system of this type. An alternative form of limiter, which requires a smaller drive voltage, is shown in Fig. 5. In a system where a carrier is transmitted, e.g. in a colour television system using a colour sub-carrier, the further paths may include filters tuned to reject the carrier frequency, Fig. 6 (not shown). Audio compressor, Fig. 7, has four paths for noise reduction, each covering a portion of the audio spectrum and each including a linear limiter, e.g. 76, 78, 80 or 82, which may be of the form shown in Fig. 8. In the limiter of Fig. 8, the operation is such that at low input levels, transistors Q1 and Q2, and diodes D1 and D2 are cut off and the signal passes from the input to the output unattenuated. As the signal level increases transistor Q1 and Q2 reach a point where they conduct, the dynamic resistance of the diodes is reduced, and the signal is attenuated. In the circuit shown, the control voltage has a time constant of decay which is fairly long. In order to reduce the time constant of decay, but still provide adequate smoothing, the smoothing circuit of Fig. 9 may be used. To provide a further reduction in decay time the circuit of Fig. 10 may be used, in which the emitter follower provides a fast charge or discharge for C9, via the diodes D7 and D8, for large changes in signal while for small changes, e.g. ripple, diodes D7 and D8 are virtually non-conducting and the time-constant is determined by C9 and R10. In order to allow the use of a longer attack time in the linear limiter and yet still control large amplitude transients, a non-linear limiter 87 may be included in the path to clip symmetrically the signal passing therethrough. A modification of the circuit of Fig. 7 includes only limiting paths 1 and 4 and variable cut-off frequency filters, Fig. 11 (not shown), are arranged in the paths so that as the signal level increases the top and bottom cut off frequencies of the respective bands are shifted respectively down and up. An expander may be used alone as a means for reducing rumble or high frequency tape noise by arranging paths including respectively low-pass, for rumble, and high-pass, for high frequency noise, filters. In such an arrangement lowlevel signals, such as rumble or H.F. noise, will be attenuated, while if higher level signals are present in these frequency bands the attenuation will be reduced.
机译:1,120,541。压扩器。杜比(R. M. DOLBY)。 1966年7月25日[1965年8月11日; 1965年10月11日; 1966年1月18日],第34394 / 65、43136 / 65和2368/66号。标题H4R。压缩器包括直通信号路径,该信号路径的输出被添加到由放大器和限幅器组成的另一路径的输出中。扩展器包括直通路径,从该直通路径的输出减去第二路径的输出,该第二路径的输出与减法器的输出连接,并且包括放大器和限幅器。由于总是从直通路径获得大部分信号,因此该装置引入的失真较小。可以提供许多其他路径,每个路径包括一个滤波器,以便将压缩或扩展限制在特定的频带。图3显示了用于此类系统的RC滤波器和二极管限制器。图5示出了限制器的另一种形式,它需要一个较小的驱动电压。在使用彩色子载波的彩色电视系统中,其他路径可包括经调谐以抑制载波频率的滤波器,图6(未示出)。图7的音频压缩器具有四个用于降低噪声的路径,每个路径覆盖一部分音频频谱,并且每个路径包括线性限制器,例如线性限制器。图76、78、80或82可以是图8所示的形式。在图8的限制器中,操作使得在低输入电平下,晶体管Q1和Q2以及二极管D1和D2被切断。关闭,信号从输入到输出不衰减。随着信号电平的增加,晶体管Q1和Q2到达导通点,二极管的动态电阻减小,信号衰减。在所示的电路中,控制电压具有相当长的衰减时间常数。为了减小衰减的时间常数,但仍提供足够的平滑,可以使用图9的平滑电路。为了进一步减少衰减时间,可以使用图10的电路,其中发射极跟随器通过二极管D7和D8为C9提供快速的充电或放电,以实现大的信号变化而产生的小变化,例如。纹波时,二极管D7和D8实际上不导通,并且时间常数由C9和R10确定。为了允许在线性限制器中使用更长的起振时间并且仍然控制大幅度瞬变,可以在路径中包括非线性限制器87以对称地限制通过其的信号。图7的电路的修改仅包括限制路径1和4,并且可变截止频率滤波器(图11(未示出))布置在路径中,使得随着信号电平的增加,顶部和底部截止各个频带的频率分别上下移动。扩展器可以单独使用,作为通过布置包括低通(用于隆隆声)和高通(用于高频噪声)滤波器的路径来减少隆隆声或高频磁带噪声的手段。在这种布置中,诸如隆隆声或高频噪声之类的低电平信号将被衰减,而如果在这些频带中存在较高电平的信号,则衰减将减小。



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