首页> 外国专利> Hydromechanical transmission for the continuous change of the ratio of the rotational speeds of an initially - and an output shaft and for the reversal of the direction of rotation of the output shaft

Hydromechanical transmission for the continuous change of the ratio of the rotational speeds of an initially - and an output shaft and for the reversal of the direction of rotation of the output shaft



The power is transmitted by the drive shaft 9 in parallel by means of the epicyclic gear train 21 to the hydrostatic system 15 mounted in parallel on the mechanical transmission 16, which comprises an inverter 24 upstream of the output of the hydrostatic motor 20. A hydraulic coupler 25 controlled by the clutch 26 is mounted in parallel on the planetary gear train of power bypass 21 so as to allow the addition of an additional torque in the difficult situations. / p & & p & the apparatus of the invention makes it possible to retain the qualities of flexibility of the hydrostatic system while improving the efficiency of the transmission / p & & p & application to the transmission of the direction of the caterpillar vehicles.
机译:动力通过传动轴9通过行星齿轮系21并行地传递到并联安装在机械变速器16上的静液压系统15,静液压系统15包括在静液压马达20的输出上游的逆变器24。由离合器26控制的联轴器25并联安装在动力旁路21的行星齿轮系上,以便在困难的情况下可以增加额外的扭矩。 & &本发明的装置使得可以在保持静液压系统的柔韧性的同时提高传动效率。 & &应用于履带车辆的方向传动。



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