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1534290 Data processing HONEYWELL INFORMATION SYSTEMS Inc 23 Dec 1975 [23 Dec 1974] 52581/75 Heading G4A Data is recorded in the form of sets of records each set having an owner record and at least one member record, each record forming one line of a page, Fig. 16a, and including a pointer sequence providing pointers to one or more records of the set. Each page includes a table 1602 correlating line numbers of records and their offsets within the page. The pointer sequence of a member record may include pointers to the next record, the previous record and the owner record of the set (Fig. 15c, not shown) whereas the pointer sequence of an owner record may include pointers to the first and last member records of the set (Fig. 15d, not shown). Each page is addressed by a page descriptor (Fig. 16b, not shown) providing the respective area (file) and page numbers and pointers to the previous and following descriptors in a chain of the page descriptors relating to the pages in main memory. When a page is requested a control pointer (Fig. 16c, not shown) is an extension to a system base 1215, Fig. 12, provides a G-number which is the number of a segment pointed to by an entry in a G-table 1212 and a displacement within that segment at which is the beginning of the chain of page descriptors. The chain of page descriptors is then searched to determine whether the requested page is in the main memory or the backing store; an address in the form of segment and address within the segment is then generated. Each page, Fig. 16a, includes a page header 1601 describing the length of the page and the number of records in the page and, for each record, an offset 1603 and a two-bit field 0 which indicates whether the record is inactive, logically deleted (it contains no information but occupies memory space), physically deleted or active. Records may be virtual memory records, used for internal operating procedures, and including pointers to addresses in the form of segments and address within the segment, or data base records, generally used by user programs, and including pointers to addresses in the form of area, page, line. Set and record descriptors (Figs. 18a, 18b, not shown) describe the properties of a given set and record respectively. The system base 1215, Fig. 12, accessed by a base address register 1202, provides the base addresses of G-table 1212 and a J-table 1204 and the job step (J) number of the currently operating process which accesses a J-table entry 1217 which provides the base address of a P- table 1205. The process group (P) number of the currently operating process from system base 1215 accesses, 1217, from the P-table the address of the process control block 1206 of the currently operating process which acts as a temporary storage area for information necessary to start or restart that process. One of two address space words ASW0 or ASW1 in the process control block 1206 is selected by part of the contents of a base register 1201 and points to a segment table word array 1207 or 1208 which together with base register 1201, selects a segment table 1209 or 1210; a segment descriptor is then derived from the segment table as addressed by part of the contents of base register 1201 and accesses a user segment 1211. The system base 1215 also provides an internal processor queue word which points to the head of a queue of processes waiting for resources, 1213, in the GO segment pointed to by the zero G-number in G-table 1212; such processes are queued on semaphores, queues of resources waiting for processes and free semaphores also being provided in the GO segment (Fig. 9, not shown).
机译:1534290数据处理HONEYWELL INFORMATION SYSTEMSInc。1975年12月23日[1974年12月23日] 52581/75标题G4A数据以记录集的形式记录,每组具有所有者记录和至少一个成员记录,每条记录构成一行的一行。图16a的页面,并包括提供指向该组的一个或多个记录的指针的指针序列。每个页面包括表1602,表1602使记录的行号及其在页面内的偏移量相关。成员记录的指针序列可以包括指向该集合的下一个记录,先前记录和所有者记录的指针(图15c,未显示),而所有者记录的指针序列可以包括指向第一个和最后一个成员的指针记录集(图15d,未显示)。每个页面由页面描述符寻址(图16b,未示出),该页面描述符提供了与主存储器中的页面相关的页面描述符链中的各个区域(文件)和页面编号以及指向先前和之后描述符的指针。当请求页面时,控制指针(图16c,未显示)是对系统库1215的扩展,图12提供了一个G-number,它是G-条目中指向的段的编号。表1212中的位置,以及该段内的位移,该位移是页面描述符链的开始。然后搜索页面描述符链,以确定请求的页面是在主存储器中还是在后备存储中;然后生成段形式的地址和该段内的地址。图16a中的每个页面都包括一个页面标题1601,该页面标题描述页面的长度和页面中的记录数,并且对于每个记录,偏移量1603和两位字段0(指示记录是否无效);逻辑删除(不包含任何信息,但占用内存空间),物理删除或处于活动状态。记录可以是虚拟内存记录,用于内部操作过程,包括指向段形式的地址的指针和该段内的地址,也可以是用户程序通常使用的数据库记录,并且包括指向区域形式的地址的指针,页面,行。集合和记录描述符(图18a,18b,未显示)分别描述了给定集合和记录的属性。由基地址寄存器1202访问的图12的系统基1215提供G表1212和J表1204的基地址以及访问J-的当前操作过程的作业步骤(J)号。表条目1217提供P表1205的基地址。来自系统库1215的当前操作进程的进程组(P)号从P表访问1217的P-表的进程控制块1206的地址。当前正在运行的进程,它充当启动或重新启动该进程所需信息的临时存储区域。过程控制块1206中的两个地址空间字ASW0或ASW1之一由基址寄存器1201的内容的一部分选择,并指向段表字阵列1207或1208,后者与基址寄存器1201一起选择段表1209或1210;然后从段表中导出段描述符,如基址寄存器1201的部分内容所寻址的那样,并且访问用户段1211。系统库1215还提供一个内部处理器队列字,该字指向等待的进程队列的头对于资源1213,在G表1212中由零G数指向的GO段中;这样的进程在信号量上排队,等待进程的资源队列和空闲信号量也在GO段中提供(图9,未显示)。




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