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method and device for introduction of additives into a shaft. the cupola.



PCT No. PCT/CH87/00173 Sec. 371 Date Oct. 16, 1989 Sec. 102(e) Date Oct. 16, 1989 PCT Filed Dec. 23, 1987 PCT Pub. No. WO88/05149 PCT Pub. Date Jul. 14, 1988.A process and device for introducing additives, in particular energy carriers, into a cupola or shaft furnace. The additive is carried with combustion air stream and introduced therewith in the furnace shaft, a depression being created at the point where the additive is fed into the combustion air stream, so that the additive is aspirated by the combustion air into the combustion area of the furnace shaft.
机译:PCT号PCT / CH87 / 00173秒371日期1989年10月16日102(e)日期:1989年10月16日; PCT申请日:1987年12月23日。 WO88 / 05149 PCT公开1988年7月14日,一种将添加剂特别是能量载体引入冲天炉或竖炉的工艺和装置。添加剂随助燃空气流一起被输送并被引入炉膛竖井中,在添加剂被送入助燃空气流中的点处形成了凹陷,从而添加剂被助燃空气吸入到燃烧室的燃烧区域中。炉轴。



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