首页> 外国专利> Damping arrangement for redn. of stretching peaks during loom braking - and woof shooting, has thread collector with shooting fibre supply woof jet, air support jet and coiled brake canal

Damping arrangement for redn. of stretching peaks during loom braking - and woof shooting, has thread collector with shooting fibre supply woof jet, air support jet and coiled brake canal



The weft insertion system on an airjet loom has damping equipment to reduce stress points in the yarn during the braking period. Following measurement of the weft and accumulation, from the stop guide it is forced by an additional airjet into a curved braking channel, and then into the main jet for insertion into the shed. From the cone (9), weft is fed into a measuring device on to an accumulator barrel, and is held at the stop guide between each insertion. The main jet direct the weft to the far side of the reed as the shed opens. Subsidiary jets keep the weft in the red profile, and may also assist in braking the weft when insertion is complete. The scissor motion releases the weft on beat up. ADVANTAGE - Weft breaks, partic. at the end of the insertion period, and across the shed of wide looms, may be reduced by means of the additional equipment. There is no loss of loom speed, and the weft is unaffected.




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