首页> 外国专利> Method for transplanting the nucleus of an Embryo of bovine oocyte Donor to a recipientThe present Invention relates to a method for transplanting a core of bovine Embryo, comprising the following steps a) isolation of a Nucleus limited by the Membrane envelopeA cell embryo Donor(b) removal of Chromosomal material nuclear oocyte recipient oocyte receptor for preparing nucleated; (c) The placement of the donated Nucleus limited by the Membrane Envelope so that diCha Membrane is adjacent to the membrane of the oocyte enucleated recipient (d) fusion of the Membranes of the nucleus Power Limited by the Membrane envelope and occito enucleated recipient,Both Membranes were merged together to form a single cell with a nucleus of embryonic individual Embryo donor.

Method for transplanting the nucleus of an Embryo of bovine oocyte Donor to a recipientThe present Invention relates to a method for transplanting a core of bovine Embryo, comprising the following steps a) isolation of a Nucleus limited by the Membrane envelopeA cell embryo Donor(b) removal of Chromosomal material nuclear oocyte recipient oocyte receptor for preparing nucleated; (c) The placement of the donated Nucleus limited by the Membrane Envelope so that diCha Membrane is adjacent to the membrane of the oocyte enucleated recipient (d) fusion of the Membranes of the nucleus Power Limited by the Membrane envelope and occito enucleated recipient,Both Membranes were merged together to form a single cell with a nucleus of embryonic individual Embryo donor.

机译:将牛卵母细胞供体胚核移植到受体的方法本发明涉及一种移植牛胚胎核的方法,包括以下步骤a)分离被膜包膜限制的核细胞胚供体(b)去除染色体物质核卵母细胞受体卵母细胞受体以制备有核的; (c)捐赠的核的位置受到膜包膜的限制,以使diCha膜与卵母细胞去核受体的膜相邻(d)融合了核膜的膜的功率受膜包膜和卵母细胞去核的受者的融合,两者将膜融合在一起,形成具有单个胚胎个体供体核的单个细胞。






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