首页> 外国专利> Heavy metal removal from solid waste e.g. power station fly ash - by forming an aq. slurry of the material, adding chitosan or tannin as chelating agent, standing and sepg. the solid from the heavy metal-contg. soln. etc.

Heavy metal removal from solid waste e.g. power station fly ash - by forming an aq. slurry of the material, adding chitosan or tannin as chelating agent, standing and sepg. the solid from the heavy metal-contg. soln. etc.

机译:从固体废物中去除重金属电站粉煤灰-通过形成水溶液。该物料的浆液,加入壳聚糖或单宁酸作为螯合剂,静置并分离。来自重金属的固体。 soln。等等


Removing heavy metals from solid waste materials by slurrying in water or from slurries of waste prods., by (a) adding chitosan or tannin or a mixt. of these to the slurry; (b) allowing the slurry to stand, opt. with stirring; (c) sepg. the solid components and (d) treating the soln., which contains the heavy metals. Pref. 5-20 % chitosan or tannin is added w.r.t. the waste material. After addn. of the chitosan or tannin the mixt. is allowed to stand pref. for 5 hours to 5 days. Chitosan and tannin are effective with different spectrums of heavy metals and a mixt. of the two reagents is esp. effective in some cases. USE/ADVANTAGE - Chitosan and tannin form chelate cpds. with the heavy metals and can thus be used to treat problem heavy metal contg. wastes such as fly ash from power stations and refuse burning installations, waste prods. from domestic refuse, clarifier sludges, domestic waste slurries and filter residues, from the treatment of waste prods.. Chitosan and tannin form heavy metal chelate cpds. whereas many known chelate forming cpds. (EDTA, NTA, DTPE, salicylates, tartaric acid and tartrates, ethylenediamine) and its derivs., etc. are not suitable as chelate formers for this purpose
机译:通过在水中形成浆液或从废物产品的浆液中除去固体废物中的重金属,方法是:(a)添加脱乙酰壳多糖或单宁或混合物。这些到泥浆中; (b)让浆液静置,选择。在搅拌下(c)隔(d)处理含有重金属的溶液。首选w.r.t.添加5-20%的壳聚糖或单宁废料。在addn之后。壳聚糖或单宁混合物。被允许站出来。 5小时至5天。壳聚糖和单宁对不同光谱的重金属和混合物有效。这两种试剂中的esp是。在某些情况下有效。用途/优势-壳聚糖和单宁形成螯合cpds。与重金属结合使用,因此可用于治疗有问题的重金属污染。发电站和垃圾焚烧装置产生的粉煤灰等废物,废物产品。源自生活垃圾,澄清污泥,生活废物浆液和过滤器残留物,来自废物产品的处理。壳聚糖和单宁形成重金属螯合物。而许多已知的螯合物形成cpds。 (EDTA,NTA,DTPE,水杨酸酯,酒石酸和酒石酸酯,乙二胺)及其衍生物等不适合用作螯合剂。



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