首页> 外国专利> Cement floor laying for building construction - has separate mixer and delivery units on site for continuous mixing and delivery of lumps to floor location and level

Cement floor laying for building construction - has separate mixer and delivery units on site for continuous mixing and delivery of lumps to floor location and level



To lay a cement flooring, the material is mixed and delivered by separate and independent units, in series, at the site. The mixing action is continuous, and the mixt. is fed continuously under pressure into the delivery unit. The cement flooring is delivered continuously to the laying site on air cushions, through compressed air, in lumps. Also claimed is a mobile mixer (2) with a lump delivery unit (1). The material is mixed continuously in the mixer (2) to be fed under pressure into the delivery unit (1), which has a delivery channel (23) at its outlet (22). The mixed material is passed from the mixer, under pressure, by a screw conveyor integrated in the mixer unit, using a conventional screw mixer. The delivery unit gives a continuous feed of mixed lumps through a delivery channel. USE/ADVANTAGE - The method and the mobile assembly is for laying a cement flooring on site for building construction. The material is mixed and delivered for laying on site, to provide large quantities in a trouble-free operation, over wide areas and at high levels.



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