首页> 外国专利> Process for the biological decontamination of medium-level radioactive aqueous effluents.

Process for the biological decontamination of medium-level radioactive aqueous effluents.



Decontamination of an aq. effluent with moderate activity, contaminated by organic molecules marked with a radioactive isotope and/or their organic or mineral degradation prods., involves (a) contacting the effluent with a microorganism phase capable of fixing the organic molecules and/or their degradation prods. by biosorption and/or anabolisation, and/or of converting them to form gaseous prods. contg. the radioactive isotope, and (b) sepg. the microorganisms from the treated effluent. The radioactive isotope is 14C, tritium, 32P or 35S, and the aq. effluent contains prods. formed during the prodn. and/or use of marked organic and/or mineral substances. ADVANTAGE - Use of supplementary treatments is avoided, and radioactive pollutants are conc. in a solid phase which can easily be mineralised, avoiding storage problems.
机译:水溶液的去污。具有中等活性的污水被标记有放射性同位素的有机分子和/或其有机或矿物降解产物污染,包括(a)使污水与能够固定有机分子和/或其降解产物的微生物相接触。通过生物吸附和/或合成代谢,和/或将它们转化为气态产物。续放射性同位素,以及(b)sepg。处理后的废水中的微生物。放射性同位素为14 C,tri,32P或35S,水溶液为。废水中含有刺脚。在生产过程中形成和/或使用标记的有机和/或矿物质。优势-避免使用辅助治疗,并且放射性污染物是一致的。固相很容易矿化,避免了储存问题。



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