首页> 外国专利> Automatic dispenser and positioner of non-preformed edge protectors made of cardboard or other flexible materials on the upper edges of packs that are to be strapped

Automatic dispenser and positioner of non-preformed edge protectors made of cardboard or other flexible materials on the upper edges of packs that are to be strapped



The automatic dispenser and positioner of non-preformed edge protectors made of flexible material solves the very familiar problem in the industry of how to package packs or pallets with strapping and protect the material to be strapped against being cut into by the strap, and the opposite problem of how to protect plastic straps from being cut into by hard cutting edges of the pack being bound. The dispenser and positioner takes sheets of board or other flexible material from two vertical containers by means of two mechanical arms fitted with air vacuum suckers; the mechanical arms present the two sheets to a positioning mechanism also fitted with air vacuum suckers which positions them on the upper edges of the packs at the strapping points. The strap, output by a strapping machine co-ordinated with the dispenser and positioner, folds the sheets of flexible material into a right angle when tension is applied to it, causing it to mould around the edges of the pack. Operation is completely automatic and independent of the dimensions and position of the pack to be bound. IMAGE
机译:由柔性材料制成的未成型边缘保护器的自动分配器和定位器解决了行业中非常熟悉的问题,即如何用捆扎带包装包装或货盘并保护要捆扎的材料以免被捆扎带切入,反之亦然如何保护塑料表带不被捆扎的硬质切割边缘割断的问题。分配器和定位器通过两个装有空气真空吸盘的机械臂从两个垂直容器中取出纸板或其他柔性材料。机械臂将这两张纸呈现给一个定位机构,该定位机构还装有空气真空吸盘,将它们定位在包装的捆扎点上边缘。由与分配器和定位器配合的捆扎机输出的捆扎带,在对其施加拉力时将柔性材料片折叠成直角,导致其围绕包装的边缘成型。操作是完全自动的,并且与要装箱的包装的尺寸和位置无关。 <图像>



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