1, S 9) setting means for setting the value 1 ''logical value of the fourth bit positions specified when the number is the second number or more of the specified'' 0. 1 Tsutoshi of (p) the third number of the specified bit position of the rise of the information word, the third bit position of the designated die of specified falling bit position of the information word fourth bit position of the specified (7.17) 1 Tsutoshi of (q) 4 number, equal to the second number plus the specified fourth specified number of, k and n is an integer value here, for some k is the second and the number of the first specified I want to have a relationship. Also, the decoding device associated also described."/> And a method for decoding apparatus for decoding the information word and the word channel encoding apparatus and method for encoding to n- bit channel word bit information word - (n-1)
首页> 外国专利> And a method for decoding apparatus for decoding the information word and the word channel encoding apparatus and method for encoding to n- bit channel word bit information word - (n-1)

And a method for decoding apparatus for decoding the information word and the word channel encoding apparatus and method for encoding to n- bit channel word bit information word - (n-1)



It describes the encoding apparatus so as to obtain a channel signal of concatenated channel words by encoding the bit channel words n- bit information words - (57) [Abstract] (n-1). I will be a bit sequence having the characteristics of the K ''0'' occurs at most of this between ''one'' channel signal. Input means for receiving a bit information word and (1), (n-1) - - (n-1) the encoding device converting means for converting the bit channel words n- bit information words (2,4,5, and 7, S 1 -S 9), I comprises a (9) for supplying the output means of the connecting channel signal n- bit channel word. The converting means is, (n-1) bits of one of the binary values ​​of the first or second - insert to be inserted into (2.8,2.9) between adjacent bit positions of the first and second specified bit information words I provided (7.9, S 5) means. When you rise in the rising edge of the information word the number of "0" is the first integer of the specified in the (p-1) or more, or the number of falling ''0'' at the falling edge of the information word die of specified When it is an integer of 2 to (q-1) or more, or (n-1) the case of both - the adjacent bit positions between the first and second specified bit information words to insert a "0" bit . The decoding apparatus of the stand falling as well be set to value "1" the logical value of (7.1) the third bit position specified when you rise above the other number of "0" is the first equal to or greater than the number of specified '' are provided (S 1, S 9) setting means for setting the value 1 ''logical value of the fourth bit positions specified when the number is the second number or more of the specified'' 0. 1 Tsutoshi of (p) the third number of the specified bit position of the rise of the information word, the third bit position of the designated die of specified falling bit position of the information word fourth bit position of the specified (7.17) 1 Tsutoshi of (q) 4 number, equal to the second number plus the specified fourth specified number of, k and n is an integer value here, for some k is the second and the number of the first specified I want to have a relationship. Also, the decoding device associated also described.
机译:它描述了一种编码设备,以便通过对比特信道字n-比特信息字-(57)[摘要](n-1)进行编码来获得级联信道字的信道信号。我将以具有“ 0” K特征的位序列在“一个”通道信号之间的大多数情况下出现。输入装置,用于接收比特信息字;以及(1),(n-1)--(n-1)编码设备转换装置,用于将比特信道字转换为n-比特信息字(2、4、5和7 ,S 1 -S 9), I包括(9),用于提供连接信道信号n位信道字的输出装置。转换装置是第一或第二二进制值之一的(n-1)位-插入到我提供的第一和第二指定位信息字的相邻位位置之间的(2.8,2.9)中(7.9,S 5)表示。当您在信息字的上升沿上升时,数字“ 0”是(p-1)中指定的第一个整数或更大,或者在下降沿的下降数“ 0”指定的信息字死当它是2到(q-1)或更大的整数,或者是(n-1)两者的情况时-在第一和第二指定位信息字之间的相邻位位置插入“ 0”有点。下降的机架的解码设备也应将值“ 1”设置为逻辑值“ 7.1”(当您上升到其他数字“ 0”以上时指定的第三个比特位置是第一个等于或大于“ 1”)。提供指定的''(S 1, S 9)设置装置,用于将值1''设置为数字为第二个数字时指定的第四位位置的逻辑值(p)信息字的上升沿的指定位位置的第三个数字,指定的管芯的第三位位置,信息字的指定下降位位置的第四个位(q)4个数字的指定(7.17)1 Tsutoshi的位置,等于第二个数字加上指定的第四个指定数字,k和n在这里是整数值,因为某些k是第二个而第一个的数字指定要建立关系。另外,还描述了相关的解码设备。



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