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The for glasses you install, tool and the glasses holder and decorative tool for the glasses



(57) Abstract Topic Being installation and removal unrestricted in the glasses frame, at the same time, definiteThe for glasses which are superior in the reliability which can lock truly you take, attachingke tool and the glasses holder and decorative tool for the glasses are offered. Solutions The glasses frame the gentle Inlaying point the holding component 2,To have the ru gentle Inlaying channel 21, with the restoring force of holding component 2 itself the eye Keeping the mirror frame, as for holding component 2 in the glasses frame oppositeDoing, to be abbreviated locked, in addition, the inside gentle Inlaying channel 21 of holding component 2On the opposite side of Mizokuchi, the screw channel is provided in rim, is denseThe screwing in component which provides the screw channel which corresponds to the screw channel for the inner circumferenceWith 3, in the containment channel 22 the glasses frame containment position decisionThe rice is by the fact that you screw in afterwards, rim of holding component 2 tighteningBeing attached, in order for width of the gentle Inlaying channel 21 to become narrow, it becomes deformed,The holding power for the te and the glasses frame augmenting, taking for the glassesri attaching tool 1 is locked securely.
机译:(57)<摘要> <主题>同时不受限制地在眼镜架中进行安装和拆卸,对于真正能可靠锁定您的眼镜具有出色的可靠性,请安装工具,眼镜架和装饰工具提供眼镜。解决方案眼镜架的平缓镶嵌点固定在保持组件2上,具有平缓的镶嵌通道21,利用保持组件2本身的恢复力使眼睛保持与眼镜架2相对的镜架,与眼镜架相反另外,固定部件2的内侧平缓的嵌入槽21在Mizokuchi的相对侧上被简略地锁定,在边缘处设置有螺纹通道,该密实的螺纹部件提供了与内部的螺纹通道相对应的螺纹通道。圆周,用3,在容纳槽22中确定眼镜框的容纳位置,然后将米旋入,拧紧固定部件2的边缘,以使平缓的镶嵌槽21的宽度变窄,使其变形然后,牢固地锁定用于眼镜安装工具1的te和眼镜架的保持力。



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