首页> 外国专利> The active medical device of the type defibrillator / cardiovertor type implantable a discrimination improved tachycardia

The active medical device of the type defibrillator / cardiovertor type implantable a discrimination improved tachycardia



This device comprises: & br / - means of delivery of a defibrillation therapy and / or cardioversion and / or antitachycardia and / or ventricular stimulation to atrial; means for collection of the atrial and ventricular activity; means to indicate and to confirm the presence of tachycardia in the activity is thus collected, these means comprising means for analysing the stability of the rr intervals and the stability of the associated with pr intervals; the classification means (110 - 140), able to discriminate between the thus detected tachycardia ventricular tachycardia and above - ventricular tachycardia, and means for selectively (1) to control the means for delivery of the therapy in the presence of a ventricular tachycardia or (ii) inhibit these same means in the presence of the above - ventricular tachycardia or trigger an atrial therapy. & br / according to the invention, the classification means further include means (170) able to determine the presence or absence of a sudden acceleration of the rate of the rr intervals, and to determine the appropriate, the atrial or ventricular origin of such an acceleration, these means are operating in the case of the detection of unstable rr intervals.
机译:该设备包括:& br />-将除颤疗法和/或心脏复律和/或抗心动过速和/或心室刺激传递至心房的方式;收集心房和心室活动的手段;因此收集了指示并确认活动中心动过速的存在的装置,这些装置包括用于分析rr间隔的稳定性和与pr间隔相关的稳定性的装置。分类装置(110-140),能够区分由此检测出的心动过速和室上性心动过速,以及用于选择性地(1)在存在心动过速时控制治疗方法的装置或( ii)在以上情况下抑制这些相同的方法-室性心动过速或触发心房治疗。 &根据本发明,分类装置还包括装置(170),该装置(170)能够确定rr间隔速率的突然加速的存在与否,并且能够确定这种间隙的合适的心房或心室起源。加速度,这些装置在检测到不稳定的rr间隔的情况下运行。



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