首页> 外国专利> Device for retraction of the needle, process for using the same, and to use a device of safety of medical needles, needle aparêlho medical extensìvel and ribbed.Process for using the same, devices of

Device for retraction of the needle, process for using the same, and to use a device of safety of medical needles, needle aparêlho medical extensìvel and ribbed.Process for using the same, devices of

机译:针头回缩装置,其使用方法以及使用医用针头的安全装置,针头apar u00ealho医用延伸装置和带肋的针。医用针头,用于针头机械化医疗器械的伸缩装置中,用于安全准备并退回医疗程序的过程,医用针头肋骨静脉切开术,针头和导管套件延长带肋骨的倾斜,并使用apar可伸缩针头的过程。


"Needle retraction device, processes for using the same, and to use a safety device of needle, medical device and medical extensu00ecvel retractable needle.Process for using the same, devices of needle catheter extensu00ecvel and retractable, and security of extension and retraction of the needle for mechanized phlebotomy.The medical needle used in a device for extension and retraction of the needle mechanized medical process for transporting, preparing and retract safely.At the end of a medical procedure, a medical needle retractable phlebotomy, set of needle and catheter extensu00ecvel retractile, and process to use a device of self retractable needle ".Process and apparatus associated with retraction safe of medical needles (140, 140, 140, 2070, 2320) after use.Are disclosed configurations for systems of self retractable needles for both, the withdrawal of blood (10, 610, 820, 2010, 2400), the syringe (510, 900, 1010) and systems for insertion of the catheter (400, 800,2300).The manufacture of the invention requires only a minimum amount and complexity of parts such that a cost of manufacture designed is potentially low enough to allow theGadget is competitive in cost with systems of needle retractable contemporaries. Also disclosed are processes to manufacture and assemble each of the configurations are disclosed.A configuration for withdrawal of blood (2400) may be made with as few as three molded pieces.The mechanisms of energy storage and needle retraction comprise elastic pipe (180, 570, 1180) and parts of piston vacuum generator (416, 2351).In a configuration of the elastic pipe (10, 510, 610, 800, 820, 900, 1010, 2010, 2400), constructive control, selective volumes of pipe stretched (180, 570, 1180) inhibits effectively.Regurgitamento flow from the needle (140, 140, 540, 1140, 2070, 2320).In all settings (10, 510, 610, 400, 800, 820, 900, 1010, 2010, 2300 and 2400), the retraction of the needle operation is manipulated with one hand.Which allows the other hand of technical to be used in the care of the wound.A combination of parts comprising a housing of the device (20, 30, 50, 500, 520, 620, 630, 752, 802, 842, 902, 904, 1020, 2020, 2200, 2302, 2402), and a cover of the needle (120, 120, 268524, 720, 720, 804, 1190, 2350), are used as a transport container which protects a medical needle (140, 140, 540, 1140, 2070.2320) from inadvertent contamination without requiring special packaging, reducing, with it, even more, the costs of the apparatus.
机译:针头回缩装置,其使用方法以及使用安全针的装置,医疗装置和医疗用可伸长针头。针刺内缩装置的使用方法,针头导管可伸长和可伸缩的装置及安全性用于机械化静脉放血的针头的伸出和缩回。医用针头用于机械化医疗过程的针头的伸出和缩回,以安全地运输,准备和缩回。在医疗程序结束时,设置了医用针头可伸缩静脉切开术针头和导管的延伸可伸缩,并且使用自动可伸缩针头的装置的过程。使用后与医用针头(140、140、140、2070、2320)的收回安全性相关的过程和装置。自缩式针头系统,用于抽血(10、610、820、2010、2400),注射器(510、900、1010)和用于插入导管(400、800、2300)的系统。本发明的制造仅需要最少数量的零件和复杂性,使得设计的制造成本可能足够低,以使得该小工具在成本方面可与当代的针头伸缩系统相竞争。还公开了制造和组装每个构型的方法。抽取血液的构型(2400)可以用少至三个模制件制成。能量存储和针缩回的机构包括弹性管(180、570)。 ,1180)和活塞式真空发生器(416、2351)的零件。在弹性管(10、510、610、800、820、900、1010、2010、2400)的配置中,进行构造控制,选择性地拉伸管道(180,570,1180)有效抑制。针的逆流(140,140,540,1140,2070,2320)在所有设置(10,510,610,400,800,820,900,1010,2010 ,2300和2400),用一只手操作针头的缩回操作,而另一只手则可用于护理伤口。包括设备外壳(20、30, 50、500、520、620、630、752、802、842、902、904、1020、2020、2200、2302、2402)和针头盖(120、120、268) 524、720、720、804、1190、2350)用作运输容器,可保护医疗针头(140、140、540、1140、2070.2320)免受意外污染,而无需特殊包装,从而进一步减少了污染,设备费用。



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