首页> 外国专利> Devices for encoding a stream of data bits of a binary signal source, recording to record a signal channel in a track on a record carrier.For decoding a stream of data bits of a binary channel signal and reproduction to reproduce a signal channel of a track on a record carrier, a recording.And the process for encoding a stream of bits of data

Devices for encoding a stream of data bits of a binary signal source, recording to record a signal channel in a track on a record carrier.For decoding a stream of data bits of a binary channel signal and reproduction to reproduce a signal channel of a track on a record carrier, a recording.And the process for encoding a stream of bits of data



"Devices for encoding a stream of data bits of a binary signal source, recording to record a signal channel in a track on a record carrier.For decoding a stream of data bits of a binary channel signal and reproduction to reproduce a signal channel of a track on a record carrier, a recording.And the process for encoding a stream of data bits.It is presented a device for encoding a stream of data bits of a binary source signal (s) into a stream of data bits of a binary channel signal (c) satisfying a requirement(D, K), in which the stream of bit of the signal source is divided into words source of N bit (x1, x ~ 2 ~)The device comprises means of conversion (CM) adapted to translate the above words source into corresponding words of channel of M bit.So that the conversion of each word is preservadora source of N bit parity (Table I). The relations argue that M n (1) P (1, and P can vary. Preferably, M = n + 1.In addition, a synchronous word generator (9) is available to generate word synchronized Q bit also satisfying the mentioned requirement (D, K)The above mentioned word synchronous starting with bit '0' and ending with a bit '0'.The device comprising a means of incorporation (19) to incorporate the mentioned word synchronized in that stream of data bits of the binary channel signal.And Q is an integer value larger than K (Fig. 1). In addition, a device decoder is presented for decoding signal and the channel obtained by means of the encoding device.
机译:用于对二进制信号源的数据位流进行编码,进行记录以在记录载体上的轨道中记录信号通道的设备。用于解码二进制通道信号的数据位流并进行再现以再现信号通道的设备记录载体上的磁道,记录以及对数据位流进行编码的过程。提出了一种用于将二进制源信号的数据位流编码为二进制源数据流的设备满足要求(D,K)的信道信号(c),其中信号源的比特流被划分为N个比特的字源(x1,x〜2〜)该设备包括适用于转换的(CM)将上述单词源转换为M位通道的相应单词,因此每个单词的转换都是N位奇偶校验的保留源(表I),该关系认为M> n(1)P(1,和P优选地,M = n + 1。此外,同步字发生器(9)可用于产生字s。同步Q位也满足上述要求(D,K)上述字以位'0'起始并以位'0'结束同步。该装置包括合并装置(19),用于将同步中的上述字合并Q是一个大于K的整数值(图。 1)。此外,提出了一种设备解码器,用于对通过编码设备获得的信号和信道进行解码。



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