首页> 外国专利> tυ5s 5 st tf@Ν υθ s5 sf@u#tθ υ u5 s

tυ5s 5 st tf@Ν υθ s5 sf@u#tθ υ u5 s

机译:tυ5s5 st tf @Νυθs5 sf @ u#tθυu5 s


A three dimensional presentation of a photograph in a frame and its conversion to a picture with depth and two or more planes which consists of the photograph which is mounted at the back of the frame and one or more printed transparencies which are located within panes of equal size which have been joined together, two at a time, there being as many pairs as desired planes to be created. They are fixed with special clips in the interior of the frame with a distance of two centimetres between pairs with the final pair at a distance of two centimetres from the photograph and back of the frame. A three dimensional presentation of a photograph in a frame with two views and two or more planes which consist of as many printed transparencies as desired levels and as many panes so that, when joined in pairs to surround each transparency and placed in the frame, starting from the front part they leave a distance of two centimetres between them reaching the rear part, so as to close the frame. The advantage of this invention is that it supersedes the hitherto common presentation of a photograph, consisting of aesthetic novelty and giving a degree of depth and naturalness to the subject. Without doubt, through the addition of the third dimension it exploits any memory from the past and expands the field of decoration. Finally an advantage of the invention is that it revitalises black and white photographs which can be shown either as they are or in combination with coloured ones in realising a union between past and present.;tώΉΟώ Ή¶Y¶@ΚYΎµΉ;YΉ@ὶΎνYα;Y @Ήο@ϋ ΟΎ@ϋYώ@ο¶Y¶ΎΚx@¶ @Ήο@οώϋϊ­Y@ο@λ ®Ύ @ϋYώ@ο@ΟκΎ@x@ΚοώΉΉϊ¶οY@οΚ;ΚοΟYk@ΚΎµ@YΚΎ¶ούο;¶Yώ@YΚϊ@¶­@ὶΎνYα;Y@ΚΎµ@¶ΎΚΎ®ο¶ο;¶Yώ@Ή¶­@Κύ ¶@¶Ύµ@ϋ ΟΎµ@ϋYώ@YΚϊ@;Y@x@ΚοώΉΉϊ¶οο @οϋ¶µΚ½j­ο @ΟώYα ­οώο k@Ύώ@ΎΚΎ;ο @λ;ΉϋΎ­¶Yώ@Y­ οΉY@Ήο@ώΉΎονj®@¶  ώY@ΚΎµ@YαΎκ@ο­½®Ύκ­@Y­ @ΟκΎ@ο¶YΌκ@¶Ύµ @ϋYώ@ο;­Yώ@¶ϊΉY@ οµν ώY@ϊΉY@ϋYώ@¶Y@οΚώ®µ¶ @οΚ;ΚοΟY@ΚΎµ@®Y@ΟώΎµν®Ύκ­k@Ή¶οο­Ύ­¶Yώ@Ή¶Ύ@οΉ½¶οώϋϊ@¶Ύµ@ϋ ΟΎµ@Ήο@YΚϊΉ¶YΉ@ΟκΎ@οϋY¶ΎΉ¶­@¶Ύ@j­Y@ οµν ώ@YΚϊ@¶Ύ@ ύύΎ@ο@οώΟώϋ @ϋύώΚ @ϋYώ@¶Ύ@¶ούﵶY;Ύ@ οµν ώ@Ήο@YΚϊΉ¶YΉ@ΟκΎ@οϋY¶ΎΉ¶­@YΚϊ@¶­@ὶΎνYα;Y@ϋYώ@Κύ ¶@¶Ύµ@ϋ ΟΎµKΰ
机译:框架中照片的三维呈现,并将其转换为具有深度和两个或多个平面的照片,该照片由安装在框架背面的照片和位于相同窗格中的一个或多个透明胶片组成尺寸,一次连接两个,有多少对要创建的平面。它们用特殊的夹子固定在相框的内部,两对之间相距2厘米,最后一对与照片和相框背面相距2厘米。在具有两个视图和两个或多个平面的框架中以三维方式呈现照片,该平面由所需级别的印刷透明胶片和多个窗格组成,以便成对连接以包围每个透明胶片并放置在框架中时,开始从前部到后部,它们之间的距离为两厘米,以关闭框架。本发明的优点在于,它取代了迄今为止的照片的常见呈现方式,该呈现方式由美学上的新颖性和对被摄体的深度和自然度赋予。毫无疑问,通过增加第三维,它可以利用过去的任何记忆并扩展装饰领域。最后,本发明的一个优点在于,它可以使黑白照片恢复原样,或者与彩色照片组合显示,从而实现过去与现在之间的结合。; Yolo @ KY½µΉ;YΉ@ὶ ΎνYα; Y @Ήο@ϋΟΎ@ϋYώ@ο¶Y¶ΎΚxx ;¶Yώ@YΚϊ@¶@ὶΎνYα; Y @ ΚΎµ @¶ΎΚΎ®ο¶ο;¶Yώ@Ή¶@Κύ¶¶ @ οϋ¶µΚ½jο @ΟώYαοώοk @Ύώ@ΎΚΎ;ο@λ;ΉϋΎ¶Yώ@ YοΉY@Ήο@ώΉΎουjj@ @ϋYώ@ο;Yώ@¶ϊΉY@ο Ή¶¶ΎΎΎϋΎΎΎΉϊΉ@ j j j ¶ούο¶


  • 公开/公告号GR1003276B


  • 公开/公告日1999-12-06






  • 分类号G02B27/22;G03C9/08;

  • 国家 GR

  • 入库时间 2022-08-22 01:56:25


  • 专利
  • 外文文献
  • 中文文献


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