首页> 外国专利> The high-speed advance calculation circuit and method in order to discover the error locator polynomial root in the lead/read SOLOMON decoder

The high-speed advance calculation circuit and method in order to discover the error locator polynomial root in the lead/read SOLOMON decoder



(57) Abstract In order to decide the root of the error locator polynomial 1st advance calculation operation is done in order to obtain p bit polynomial solution value in the device and the method of being used in the lead/read SOLOMON (RS) decoder, in 1st clock cycle, 2nd parallel feedback logical operation is done in order to obtain p bit polynomial solution value in each clock cycle from now on. This device, in order to make high-speed error locator polynomial root decision easy, removes the fixed garowa body multiplier from critical timing pass of the device. Were defined on garowa body GF (2p) RS (m, d) and GF (2p) which are not shortened 2p to be the finite field of the element, it is m=2p-1, in case of the decoder, are obtained in the cycle m of location values of the last root. Were defined on garowa body GF (2p) RS (n and d) and GF (2p) which are shortened 2p to be the body of the element, it is m=2p-1 and nm here, in case of the decoder, place value of the last root n is obtained in the cycle.
机译:(57)<摘要>为了确定错误定位器多项式的根,首先进行了超前计算操作,以便获得设备中的p位多项式解值以及在超前/读取SOLOMON(RS)中使用的方法在第一个时钟周期中,解码器将执行第二个并行反馈逻辑运算,以便从现在开始在每个时钟周期中获得p位多项式解值。为了使高速误差定位器的多项式根判定变得容易,该器件从器件的关键时序中去除了固定的伽罗娃体乘法器。被定义在不将2 p 缩短为的garowa体GF(2 p )RS(m,d)和GF(2 p )上如果是元素的有限域,则在解码器的情况下,在最后根的位置值的周期m中获得m = 2p-1。分别以缩短了2 p 的garowa体GF(2 p )RS(n和d)和GF(2 p )定义为元素的主体,它是m = 2p-1并且n



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