首页> 外国专利> System having I/O module number assignment utilizing module number signal line having pair of inputs adapted for receiving module number signal and propagation of module number signal down stream

System having I/O module number assignment utilizing module number signal line having pair of inputs adapted for receiving module number signal and propagation of module number signal down stream

机译:具有利用模块号信号线的I / O模块号分配的系统,该模块号信号线具有一对适于接收模块号信号并向下传播模块号信号的输入


An input/output (I/O) module has a programmable memory having a first memory address for receiving a module number and a second memory address for receiving a signal direction indicator. The I/O module is for use with a programmable controller system having a master controller serially connected to a plurality of I/O modules. The I/O module has a signal line operatively coupled with the memory. The signal line has a pair of inputs. Both inputs are configured and adapted for receiving a module number signal across a line connected therewith. The other one of the inputs will then propagate the module number signal downstream. A logic circuit sets the second memory address with the signal direction indicator corresponding to the module number signal being received by a particular one of the inputs.
机译:输入/输出(I / O)模块具有可编程存储器,该可编程存储器具有用于接收模块号的第一存储器地址和用于接收信号方向指示符的第二存储器地址。该I / O模块与具有串行连接到多个I / O模块的主控制器的可编程控制器系统一起使用。 I / O模块具有与存储器可操作地耦合的信号线。信号线有一对输入。两个输入都被配置并适于通过与其连接的线路接收模块号信号。然后,另一个输入将向下游传播模块号信号。逻辑电路用信号方向指示符设置第二存储器地址,该信号方向指示符对应于由特定输入之一接收的模块号信号。



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