首页> 外国专利> Association of Bifidobacterium longum var. animalis and Lactobacillus acidophilus strains - producers of vitamins B1, B2 and B3 (57) The invention refers to microbiology and may be used in obtaining curativoprophylactic preparations, used for increasing the level of synthesis of the vitamins of B group in the digestive tract. The association of Bifidobacterium longum var. animalis CNM Bl-527 and Lactobacillus acidophilus CNM La-417 strains possesses the capacity to synthesize vitamins of B group, namely the vitamins B1, B2 and B3. The result of the invention consists in increasing the level of synthesis of the vitamins B1, B2 and B3 by the obligate microorganisms of the digestive tract. Claims: 1

Association of Bifidobacterium longum var. animalis and Lactobacillus acidophilus strains - producers of vitamins B1, B2 and B3 (57) The invention refers to microbiology and may be used in obtaining curativoprophylactic preparations, used for increasing the level of synthesis of the vitamins of B group in the digestive tract. The association of Bifidobacterium longum var. animalis CNM Bl-527 and Lactobacillus acidophilus CNM La-417 strains possesses the capacity to synthesize vitamins of B group, namely the vitamins B1, B2 and B3. The result of the invention consists in increasing the level of synthesis of the vitamins B1, B2 and B3 by the obligate microorganisms of the digestive tract. Claims: 1

机译:长双歧杆菌协会动物群和嗜酸乳杆菌菌株-维生素B1,B2和B3的生产者(57)本发明涉及微生物学,可以用于获得预防性治疗的制剂,用于提高消化道中B组维生素的合成水平。长双歧杆菌协会。动物性CNM Bl-527和嗜酸乳杆菌CNM La-417菌株具有合成B组维生素(即维生素B1,B2和B3)的能力。本发明的结果在于通过消化道的专性微生物提高维生素B1,B2和B3的合成水平。索赔:1


Inventia se refera la microbiologie si poate fi aplicata la obtinerea preparatelor curativoprofilactice, utilizate pentru sporirea nivelului de sinteza a vitaminelor din grupa B in tubul digestiv. Asociatia de tulpini Bifidobacterium longum var. animalis CNM Bl-527 si Lactobacillus acidophilus CNM La-417 poseda capacitatea de a sintetiza vitaminele grupei B, si anume vitaminele B1, B2 si B3. Rezultatul inventiei consta in sporirea nivelului de sinteza a vitaminelor B1, B2 si B3 de catre microorganismele obligative ale tubului digestiv. Revendicari: 1
机译:本发明涉及微生物学,可以用于获得预防性治疗的制剂,用于提高消化道中B族维生素的合成水平。菌株长双歧杆菌协会。动物性CNM Bl-527和嗜酸乳杆菌CNM La-417具有合成B类维生素(即维生素B1,B2和B3)的能力。本发明的结果在于通过消化道的必需微生物提高维生素B1,B2和B3的合成水平。索赔:1



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