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/ On-line/off-line link style data public ownership and compilation system



PURPOSE: A system for sharing data through on/offline and offering the customized compilation is provided to link with the source providers formed the experts of each field on the online, and to help a user or the experts share the data and compile the customized writings. CONSTITUTION: A compiling menu module(100) is offered for the interactive customized writings compilation if a member logs in. A personal information recording/loading module(200) loads/processes the data such as the personal information and the use history of the member by loading the member information if the member selects a theme through the compiling module. An offline source provider database/matching module(220) searches the source provider helpful to the compilation from the offline source provider database and matches the source provider with the member. A control module carries out the compilation as a proxy of the member generates a teaching material, a paper, or the writings by linking with the source provider, and carries out the continuous connection between the member and the source providers.
机译:目的:提供一种通过在线/离线共享数据并提供定制编辑的系统,以与形成在线各个领域专家的源提供商链接,并帮助用户或专家共享数据并编辑定制作品。 。构成:如果会员登录,则提供用于交互式定制作品的编译菜单模块(100)。个人信息记录/加载模块(200)加载/处理会员的个人信息和使用历史记录等数据如果成员通过编译模块选择了主题,则通过加载成员信息来实现。离线源提供者数据库/匹配模块(220)从离线源提供者数据库搜索对编译有帮助的源提供者并将源提供者与成员进行匹配。控制模块通过与源提供者链接生成成员的代理来生成教材,论文或著作,从而进行编译,并在成员与源提供者之间进行连续连接。


  • 公开/公告号KR20040017009A


  • 公开/公告日2004-02-26


  • 申请/专利权人 KWACK KAE DAL;


  • 发明设计人 KWACK KAE DAL;


  • 分类号G06F17/00;

  • 国家 KR

  • 入库时间 2022-08-21 22:49:43


  • 专利
  • 外文文献
  • 中文文献


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