首页> 外国专利> The drug 'Bellatsehol' to treat stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis, including complications of chronic hepatitis, non-calculosis cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia gipomotornoy

The drug 'Bellatsehol' to treat stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis, including complications of chronic hepatitis, non-calculosis cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia gipomotornoy



FIELD: medicine, pharmaceutics. SUBSTANCE: a new complex medicinal preparation named "Bellacechol" is suggested based upon the sum of belladonna alkaloids and that of common tansy's flavonoids and phenolcarboniferous acids. This preparation is of complex action, that is gastroprotective (antiulcerous) effect due to reparative action upon gastric mucosa and suppression of gastric juice secretion; analgesic and spasmolytic properties; it has got protective action upon hepatic functional activity; it stimulates bile formation and improves biochemical composition of bile. The preparation suggested could be applied in clinical practice as medicinal preparation in treating gastric ulcerous disease, chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 1 cl, 12 tbl
机译:领域:医药,制药。物质:基于颠茄生物碱与普通艾菊类黄酮和酚类石炭酸的总和,提出了一种新的复杂药物制剂,名为“ Bellacechol”。该制剂作用复杂,由于对胃粘膜的修复作用和对胃液分泌的抑制作用,具有胃保护(抗溃疡)作用。镇痛和解痉作用;对肝功能活动有保护作用;它刺激胆汁形成并改善胆汁的生化成分。建议的制剂可作为治疗胃溃疡性疾病,慢性胃炎和胃十二指肠炎的药物用于临床实践。效果:更高的效率。 1厘升,12汤匙


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