首页> 外国专利> Method and system to enable the establishment of a connection between a node of an address domu00ecnio interior and a node of an address domu00ecnio outside,Manager resource portal for portal of communication, communication terminal of domu00ecnio interior, and,Methods for configuring a communication node domu00ecnio interior for communication with a communication node domu00ecnio outside, and to address the processes in our inner domu00ecnio

Method and system to enable the establishment of a connection between a node of an address domu00ecnio interior and a node of an address domu00ecnio outside,Manager resource portal for portal of communication, communication terminal of domu00ecnio interior, and,Methods for configuring a communication node domu00ecnio interior for communication with a communication node domu00ecnio outside, and to address the processes in our inner domu00ecnio



Method and system to enable the establishment of a connection between a node of an address domu00ecnio interior and a node of an address domu00ecnio outside,Manager resource portal for portal of communication, communication terminal of domu00ecnio interior, and,Methods for configuring a communication node domu00ecnio interior for communication with a communication node domu00ecnio outside, and to address the processes in our domu00ecnio interior ".A node of the field within (a) to connect to a node of the field outside (b) for a portal intermediary (30) asks central configuration of a portal Resource Manager (40).In response to the request of the node configuration started domain inside,A gate address of the area outside and a port number of interior node are allocated centrally for the node of area interior resource allocation by logic (42).The establishment of the connection is initiated at least partly based on the allocated address and port number by means of appropriate signal to the gate (30).The allocated address and port number are marked back to the node of the field inside request in a configuration response,Allowing the node of area interior configure its communication interface therefore.The allocation of central parameters of the socket for the node of the field inside is executed preferably based on predetermined connection information, which is included or derivable.For example, by means of the translator of name to address (50), the request of initial configuration.
机译:能够在地址dom内部的节点与外部dom的节点之间建立连接的方法和系统,用于通信门户的管理器资源门户,dom内部的通信终端以及方法用于配置通信节点dom内部,以便与外部dom进行通信,并解决我们dom内部的过程。(a)中的字段的节点连接到dom内部。 (b)外部字段用于门户网站中介(30)询问门户资源管理器(40)的中央配置。响应内部内部节点配置开始域的请求,外部区域的门地址和内部端口号通过逻辑(42)为区域内部资源分配的节点集中分配节点。通过适当的sig,至少部分地基于分配的地址和端口号启动连接的建立到门(30)。分配的地址和端口号在配置响应中标记回请求内部字段的节点,从而允许区域内部的节点配置其通信接口。套接字的中央参数的分配最好根据包括或可派生的预定连接信息来执行针对内部字段的节点的操作。例如,通过名称到地址的转换器(50),进行初始配置请求。


  • 公开/公告号BR0318156A


  • 公开/公告日2006-02-21






  • 分类号H04L12/24;H04L12/28;H04L12/66;

  • 国家 BR

  • 入库时间 2022-08-21 21:40:22


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