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Translation table entry with cacheability attribute bit for virtual address, virtual address reference method using the bit, and virtual address reference device



A separate cachable-in-virtual-cache attribute bit (CV) is maintained for each page of memory in the translation table maintained by the operating system. The CV bit indicates whether the memory addresses on the page to which the translation table entry refers are cachable in virtually indexed caches. According to a first embodiment, when there are two or more aliases which are not offset by multiples of the virtual cache size, all of the aliases are made non-cachable in virtually indexed caches by deasserting the CV bits for all aliases. With regards to the contents of the translation lookaside buffer (TLB), the translations for all aliases may simultaneously coexist in the TLB because no software intervention is required to insure data coherency between the aliases. According to second and third embodiments of the present invention, when there are two or more aliases which are not offset by multiples of the virtual cache size, only one of those aliases may remain cachable in virtual caches. For the other aliases, the CV bits for the translation pages containing those aliases are deasserted. The operating system has the responsibility of flushing data from the virtually indexed internal cache before deasserting the CV attribute for a page. The second embodiment allows the newer mapping to a physical address is allowed to remain in the first level cache, while the third embodiment allows the older alias to remain in the first level cache when a newer alias is mapped. IMAGE
机译:在操作系统维护的转换表中,为内存的每个页面维护一个单独的虚拟缓存可缓存属性位(CV)。 CV位指示转换表条目所引用的页面上的内存地址在虚拟索引的缓存中是否可缓存。根据第一实施例,当存在两个或多个别名不偏移虚拟高速缓存大小的倍数时,通过使所有别名的CV位无效,使所有别名在虚拟索引的高速缓存中不可缓存。关于转换后备缓冲区(TLB)的内容,所有别名的转换可以同时共存于TLB中,因为不需要软件干预即可确保别名之间的数据一致性。根据本发明的第二和第三实施例,当存在两个或多个别名不偏移虚拟高速缓存大小的倍数时,那些别名中的仅一个可以在虚拟高速缓存中保持可缓存。对于其他别名,包含这些别名的翻译页面的CV位将置为无效。在取消声明页面的CV属性之前,操作系统负责从虚拟索引的内部缓存中刷新数据。第二实施例允许到物理地址的较新的映射被允许保留在第一级高速缓存中,而第三实施例允许在映射较新的别名时将较旧的别名保留在第一级高速缓存中。 <图像>



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