首页> 外国专利> Standardized extract of the peppercorns from the plant zanthoxylum pipertium(Hua Jiao or Sansho) used to manage, treat and/or reverse autism, autism, spectrum disorders, autistic-like symptoms, Fragile-X, and/or Fragile-X symptoms (FXS) by seleltively blocking and halting the enzymatic activity of the kinase PAK

Standardized extract of the peppercorns from the plant zanthoxylum pipertium(Hua Jiao or Sansho) used to manage, treat and/or reverse autism, autism, spectrum disorders, autistic-like symptoms, Fragile-X, and/or Fragile-X symptoms (FXS) by seleltively blocking and halting the enzymatic activity of the kinase PAK



This invention provides a standardized extract of the peppercorns from the plant Zanthoxylum pipertium (Hua Jiao or Sansho). The extract provides an all natural, side effect free method to manage, treat and/or reverse autism, autism spectrum disorders, autistic-like symptoms, Fragile-X, and/or Fragile-X symptoms (FXS) by selectively blocking and halting the enzymatic activity of the kinase PAK.
机译:本发明提供了来自植物花椒(Ianthoxylum pipertium)(花椒或Sansho)的胡椒的标准化提取物。提取物提供了一种纯天然,无副作用的方法,可以通过选择性地阻断和中止自闭症,控制和/或逆转自闭症,自闭症谱系障碍,自闭症样症状,Fragile-X和/或Fragile-X症状(FXS)。激酶PAK的酶促活性。



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