首页> 外国专利> antidiarrheal and antimicrobial compositions, use of the compositions, antidiarrheal and antimicrobial medication, method of treating conditions, diseases or disorders of microbial origin, or relating to the presence of microorganisms and method of treating diarrhea, of inflammatory origin or caused by microorganisms

antidiarrheal and antimicrobial compositions, use of the compositions, antidiarrheal and antimicrobial medication, method of treating conditions, diseases or disorders of microbial origin, or relating to the presence of microorganisms and method of treating diarrhea, of inflammatory origin or caused by microorganisms



Antidiarrheal compositions and ANTIMICROBIAL, USE OF compositions, antidiarrheal PRODUCT AND ANTIMICROBIAL, DISORDERS TREATMENT METHOD, OR MICROBIAL DISEASES OF ORIGIN dysfunction, OR RELATING TO PRESENCE OF MICROORGANISMS AND DIARRHEA TREATMENT METHOD, inflammatory SOURCE OR CAUSED BY MICROORGANISMS. The present invention relates generally to anti-jarrel and antimicrobial compositions, particularly compositions comprising both a hydroalcoholic extract and an essential oil from parts of the Psidium ssp plants, particularly Psidium guajava L. In another aspect, the invention relates to the use of such compositions to obtain a product useful in the treatment of diarrhea, of inflammatory or microorganism origin, as well as of conditions, diseases or disorders of microbial origin, or relating to the microbial presence detrimental to the human or animal digestive tract.
机译:止泻组合物和抗菌剂,组合物的使用,止泻产品和抗菌剂,疾病的治疗方法或原发性功能障碍的微生物疾病,或与是否存在微生物和腹泻的治疗方法,炎症源或由细菌引起。本发明总体上涉及抗anti剂和抗微生物组合物,特别是包含来自部分Psdium ssp植物,特别是番石榴(Psidium guajava L)的水醇提取物和精油的组合物。另一方面,本发明涉及这种组合物的用途。获得可用于治疗腹泻,炎性或微生物来源以及微生物来源的状况,疾病或病症或与有害于人或动物消化道的微生物存在有关的产品。



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