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On-line diagnostic method and prediction of dielectric behavior of power transformers and apparatus for making the same



method of on-line diagnosis, prediction and optimization of dielectric behaviour of power transformer is provu00e1den,the transformer (1) is prubeu017ene merena relative humidity oil and the oil temperature in the upper part, which represents the highest temperature of the containment system, the oil - cellulose.in the lower part is prubeu017ene merena oil temperature, which represents the lowest temperature of the containment system, the oil - cellulose.as the relative humidity of oil, both temperatures are periodically scanned for meru00edcu00edm pocu00edtacem (5).the value of temperature in the upper part of the transformer (1) is also prenu00e1u0161ena to a temperature regulator (8) of a transformer (1),while meru00edcu00ed computer (5) stored in defined casovu00fdch intervals merenu00e9 veliciny in his memoirs and by comparison of their casovu00fdch entered criteria, and evaluate the koncentracns and the temperature balance transformer (1).if it is outside the scope of the required koncentracnu00ed and thermal balanceit is meru00edcu00edm pocu00edtacem (5) prestavena required value temperature transformer (1) into a temperature regulator transformer (8),the transformer (1) turn your cooling system in the required temperature and figure below and koncentracnu00ed balance.after achieving the desired equilibrium conditions in the transformer (1) is from the relation between the water content in the cellulose, vypocu00edtanu00e9ho water content in oil and high temperature transformer (1),the value of water content in the middle vypocu00edtu00e1na cellulosic materials transformer (1) and stored in the memory mericu00edho computer (5).it is also the value of the middle water content compared with the values obtained from measurements of previously specified criteria, and on the basis verifikovu00e1na veroho
机译:提出了电力变压器介电性能在线诊断,预测和优化的方法,变压器(1)为梅瑞纳相对湿度油,上部为油温,代表最高温度。安全壳系统中的油-纤维素。下部是prube u017ene merena油温,它表示安全壳系统中的最低温度,即油-纤维素。作为油的相对湿度,会定期扫描这两个温度的mer (5)。变压器(1)上部的温度值也传递给变压器(1)的温度调节器(8),同时将mer(温度)传递给变压器(1)。在回忆录中以定义的casov u00fdch间隔存储的计算机(5),并通过比较它们的casov u00fdch输入的标准,评估koncentracns和温度平衡转换器(1)。如果超出范围,则如果所需的控制温度和热平衡为mer(u)ed(5)prestavena所需值温度变压器(1)变成温度调节器变压器(8),则变压器(1)将所需的冷却系统温度和下图以及已知的平衡值。在变压器中达到所需的平衡条件后(1)是由纤维素中的水含量,油中的水含量与高温变压器中的温度之间的关系(1) ,中间vypoc纤维素材料转换器(1)中的水含量值,并存储在存储数字计算机(5)中。它也是与测量得到的值相比的中间水含量值之前指定的标准,并根据verifikov u00e1na veroho



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