首页> 外国专利> Autonomous space flight system and planetary lander for executing a discrete landing sequence to remove unknown navigation error, perform hazard avoidance and relocate the lander and method

Autonomous space flight system and planetary lander for executing a discrete landing sequence to remove unknown navigation error, perform hazard avoidance and relocate the lander and method



An autonomous unmanned space flight system and planetary lander executes a discrete landing sequence including performing an initial velocity braking maneuver to remove velocity at altitude, coasting during which the planet surface is imaged and correlated to reference maps to estimate cross-track and along-track navigation errors and one or more lateral braking maneuvers are performed to reduce cross-track navigation error, and performing a terminal velocity braking maneuver(s) to reduce the along-track braking maneuver and remove the remainder of the velocity just prior to landing. A bi-propellant propulsion system provides a very high T/M ratio, at least 15:1 per nozzle. Short, high T/M divert maneuvers provide the capability to remove cross-track navigation error efficiently up to the maximum resolution of the reference maps. Short, high T/M terminal velocity braking maneuver(s) provide the capability to remove along-track navigation error to a similar resolution and remove the remaining velocity in a very short time window, approximately 3-15 seconds prior to touchdown. The propulsive efficiency frees up mass which can be allocated to a fuel to remove the unknown navigation errors, perform hazard avoidance and/or relocate the lander by flying it to another site or be allocated to additional payload.
机译:自主的无人空间飞行系统和行星着陆器执行离散的着陆程序,包括执行初始速度制动操作以去除高空速度,滑行,在此期间对行星表面成像并与参考地图相关联,以估计跨轨和沿轨导航误差和一个或多个横向制动操纵被执行以减少跨轨道导航误差,并执行终端速度制动操纵以减小沿轨道制动操纵并在降落之前消除速度的剩余部分。双推进剂推进系统具有很高的T / M比,每个喷嘴至少15:1。短而高的T / M转向操作提供了有效消除跨轨导航误差的功能,直至参考地图的最大分辨率。短而高的T / M终端速度制动动作可以将沿航迹的导航误差消除至相似的分辨率,并在极短的时间范围内(触地前约3至15秒)消除剩余速度。推进效率释放了可分配给燃料的质量,以消除未知的航行错误,避免危险和/或通过将着陆器飞到另一个地点来降落着陆器,或分配给其他有效载荷。



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