首页> 外国专利> Method of making 3D artwork of Czech flowism, particularly in sculpture, article and apparatus for making the same

Method of making 3D artwork of Czech flowism, particularly in sculpture, article and apparatus for making the same



on the way to generate three-dimensional works of fine art at the new working material, vu00fdtvarne modified working surface, is at least one element nerozpu00ednacu00ed and expansion instalacnu00ed pennywhile the working surface of the adhesive layer and instalacnu00ed pena's measures to protizu00e1palnou layer and at least a part of at least they'll tag at least one element instalacnu00ed pennies are on the dominontnu00ed right, left, right, left, left, right and the right - left hemisphere of the human brain and body.while at least one element instalacnu00ed pennies, optically stereoskopicky senses of different directions in the ruznu00e9m case and pocu00edtacove from obtained position digital point in space creates at least one digitalgroup.the product consists at least of malu00edrsku00e9ho works (1) cesku00e9ho flowismu, which is adjusted at least pravou00fahelnu00edkovu00fd (2), lomenu00fd (3) or oblinami obepnutu00fd flowisticku00fd frame (4) with the peripheral sections (5),which is regulated by the internal flowisticku00e1 painting (6) or embossed flowisticku00e1 plastic (7) of nepenovu00e9ho material (8) and penovu00e9ho material (9), in particular at least from instalacnu00ed foam (10).the device consists of a tube (16), (17) instalacnu00ed foam (18) to which the regulated output regulatory system (19), which is the flow of menen penny (20), the preruu0161ovu00e1nu00ed,heading and position in space, while separu00e1torovu00fdmi instrument (21) is at least penovu00e9ho menen its shape (22).
机译:在新的工作材料上生成三维美术作品的过程中,v改型的工作表面至少要有一层元素nerozp,并且要膨胀安装一分钱,而粘合剂层的工作表面和安装佩纳对Protiz图层进行保护的措施,至少要标记至少一个元素,至少一部分要标记在右,左,右,左,左,右和右的多米诺骨牌上-在至少一个元素安装了几分钱的情况下,在ruzn u9e9m盒子中不同方向的光学立体感和从空间中获得的位置数字点形成的凹坑创建了至少一个数字组。至少由恶意软件(1)捷克文 u00e9ho flowismu组成,至少已调整pravo u00faheln u00edkov u00fd(2),menu u00fd(3)或oblinami obepnut u00fd flowistick u00fd帧( 4)与perip内窥镜部分(5),由nepenov u00e9ho材料(8)和penov u00e9ho材料(9)的内部流动涂料(6)或压花流动涂料(7)进行调节,尤其是至少安装的泡沫(10)。该设备由管(16),(17)安装的泡沫(18)组成,调节的输出调节系统(19)进入管道,该通道即为便士流量(20),方向,标题和在空间中的位置,而separ u00e1torov u00fdmi仪器(21)至少要有其形状(22)的penov u00e9。



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