首页> 外国专利> Agents having anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, reparative and improves microcirculation in the tissues ACTION, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF

Agents having anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, reparative and improves microcirculation in the tissues ACTION, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF



FIELD: medicine, pharmaceutics.;SUBSTANCE: invention refers to chemical-pharmaceutical industry, namely to creation of an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent, also improving microcirculation and reparative processes in tissues and a method for preparing it. 70% alcoholate contains camomile (blossom), hips (fruits), fennel (fruits), calendula (blossom), caraway (fruits), pine (buds), yarrow (herb), mint (leaves), licorice (root), common wormwood (herb), thyme (herb), touch-and-heal (herb) and celandine (herb). The method for preparing implies as follows:.;EFFECT: grinded herbal raw material is filled with 70% ethanol in the relation of the raw materials to the extractant 1:5; it is followed by extraction by infusion method at constant stirring for 3 days, decanted, filtered, boiled out under vacuum to 20-25 % dry residue.;2 cl, 2 ex, 1 tbl
机译:领域:本发明涉及化学-制药工业,即创造一种消炎,抗微生物剂,还改善组织中的微循环和修复过程及其制备方法。 70%的含酒精成分包含甘菊(开花),臀部(水果),茴香(水果),金盏花(开花),香菜(水果),松树(花蕾),欧arrow草(草),薄荷(叶),甘草(根),常见艾草(草药),百里香(草药),触感疗法(草药)和白屈菜(草药)。制备方法暗示如下:效果:以原料与提取剂的比例为1∶5的比例,将研磨的草药原料装满70%的乙醇。然后在持续搅拌下通过输注法提取3天,倾析,过滤,在真空下蒸发至20-25%的干燥残留物。; 2 cl,2 ex,1 tbl



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