首页> 外国专利> AUTOMATED SYSTEM assess the feasibility of the combat potential of the military formations WITH REGARD performance characteristics reconnaissance, communications and electronic warfare

AUTOMATED SYSTEM assess the feasibility of the combat potential of the military formations WITH REGARD performance characteristics reconnaissance, communications and electronic warfare



The invention relates to computer technology, particularly, to an automated assessment system implemented combat potential military formation with the performance characteristics of reconnaissance systems, communications and electronic warfare.; The technical result is to increase the performance of the system by the localization of address records system model IDs of groups of forces the database server.; The technical result is achieved in that the system comprises a module selection base addresses military units of records in the system server database module 2 address generation reading system database server module 3 selection data specified military formation, module 4 Identification arms and military equipment from the predetermined military formation, reception unit 5 of the system records database server unit 6 and forming integral evaluation arms combat potential and military equipment predetermined military formation. 10 yl.
机译:本发明涉及计算机技术,特别是涉及一种具有侦察系统,通信和电子战的性能特征的具有作战潜力的军事编队的自动化评估系统。技术结果是通过对数据库服务器强制分组的地址记录系统模型ID进行本地化来提高系统性能。通过以下方式实现技术结果:该系统包括模块选择库,该模块选择库对系统服务器数据库中的记录的军事单位进行寻址2地址生成读取系统数据库服务器模块3指定军事编队的选择数据,模块4根据预定的身份识别武器和军事装备军事编队,系统的接收单元5记录数据库服务器单元6,并形成综合评估武器作战潜力和军事装备预定的军事编队。 10 yl。



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