Automated information system of evaluation and controlling occupational hazards in labor relations
Automated information system of evaluation and controlling occupational hazards in labor relations
The invention relates to computer technology, in particular, to a system of evaluation and control of occupational hazards in the area of labor relations and can be used in preventive medicine and occupational safety in the production of any kind. The challenge - and extend the operational capabilities of the system while increasing the efficiency assessment. The inventive automated information system of evaluation and control of occupational hazards in the area of labor relations contains a database such as database 1 evidence for health personnel, occupational diseases and injuries, and the database 2 standard indicators of health based on age, as well as industry data on occupational diseases and injuries, the base 3 data on the actual parameters of the existing production equipment and base 4 normative data for such equipment, enterprise data base 5 I was at the actual qualifications of the personnel and regulatory skills base 6, the base 7 data on actual production conditions in the workplace and the base 8 of regulatory data on operating conditions, the base 9 and the evidence base 10 of the optimal data length of service and age. Wherein outputs of said data bases 1-10 are connected to the inputs of the circuit 11 sample data outputs connected to inputs of comparison circuits 12-16. The outputs of circuits 12-16 are connected to the inputs of the comparison circuit 17 samples the output of which is connected to a chain of series-connected unit 18 collecting data summation calculator 19, a comparator 20 and the block 21 output. There is also a receiving unit 22 requests a related output to the control unit 23, two outputs of which are connected with circuits 11 and 17 sample data. The third control unit 23 output is connected to the second input of the calculator 19, the third input of which is connected to an output storage device 24, the significance of the coefficients of each of the risk factors and possible estimation values, a second output connected to the second input of the comparator 20. The output of the data output 21 is the output of the system. The introduction of additional databases on the actual characteristics available at the company production equipment, the actual characteristics of the jobs, the actual staff, the actual health of the personnel, the actual length of service and age employees and relevant regulatory database in conjunction with the introduction of a system control unit, a risk calculator and storage unit significance coefficients of each of the possible risk factors and evaluation values in the above relations between the blocks d an opportunity not only to see the potential risk, but also fairly accurately calculate its level, increasing the efficiency of the system and increasing its performance and functionality. 1 PF 1 yl.