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System and method for the care of the mass spectra libraries



Systems and methods for the care of the mass spectra libraries. In general, provided that the systems and methods (a) a derived experimentally mass spectrum of a compound of interest; (b) identifying a peak in the mass spectrum, one of the experimental m / z - value (mass / charge - value) for a ions fragment of the compound; (c) from the mass spectrum any peak removal, which is not of interest corresponds to the connection; and (d) the experimental m / z - value for the in the case of step (b) identified peak as a function of the calculated theoretical m / z - value for the ions to fragment replace.
机译:维护质谱库的系统和方法。一般而言,只要该系统和方法(a)得到所关注化合物的实验质谱图; (b)鉴定质谱峰,该峰为化合物离子片段的实验m / z-值(质量/电荷-值)之一; (c)从质谱图中,任何与峰峰无关的峰去除都与连接无关; (d)在步骤(b)的情况下,的实验m / z-值确定了峰,该峰是所计算的要置换的离子的理论m / z-值的函数。



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