首页> 外国专利> Method for providing the DRM service and method and apparatus digital rights management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) of (DRM)

Method for providing the DRM service and method and apparatus digital rights management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) of (DRM)



The present invention proposes a method for providing customized DRM software by the service provider to the user. Generic DRM system is installed in the service provider, operates here, also standard DRM software templates stored in said service provider, when a user requests customization of the DRM software for service providers , customized DRM software is generated from a standard DRM software template, generalized rights object is created that uses a customized DRM software. Then, customized DRM software and generalized rights object is transmitted to this user. Customized DRM software operating within the user's system including at least one client and a server. When a client attempts to access a protected file in the system, customized rights by using the information associated with the one client, associated with the protected content to target said one client decoding the object, to access the protected file in accordance customized rights object is decoded, the customized rights object is created according to the user's customized DRM software customized rights object templates. Therefore, a new service concept is realized. Ie operators / service providers, to provide a "DRM Service" in SME in order to safely manage the files that can claim ownership. Under such a service, DRM a layered structure is achieved. That customized DRM software is protected by a general-purpose DRM system and generalized rights object operated by the service provider. Furthermore, customized DRM software is produced by adjusting the standard DRM software template is small and light.
机译:本发明提出了一种用于由服务提供商向用户提供定制的DRM软件的方法。通用DRM系统安装在服务提供商中,并在此处运行,标准DRM软件模板也存储在所述服务提供商中,当用户请求为服务提供商定制DRM软件时,定制DRM软件是从标准DRM软件模板生成的。使用定制的DRM软件创建权限对象。然后,将定制的DRM软件和广义权限对象发送给该用户。在用户系统(包括至少一个客户端和一台服务器)内运行的定制DRM软件。当客户端尝试访问系统中的受保护文件时,通过使用与一个客户端相关联的信息(与受保护内容相关联以使该客户端对对象进行解码为目标)来访问定制权限,以根据定制权限对象访问受保护文件解码后,将根据用户的定制DRM软件定制权限对象模板创建定制权限对象。因此,实现了新的服务理念。即运营商/服务提供商,在SME中提供“ DRM服务”,以便安全地管理可以声明所有权的文件。在这种服务下,DRM实现了分层结构。该定制的DRM软件受通用DRM系统和服务提供商运营的广义权限对象的保护。此外,通过调整标准的DRM软件模板又小又轻,可以生产定制的DRM软件。



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