首页> 外国专利> Emzima amp CoA ligase active luciferase (zophobas Morio), developed by engineering genetics, process to implement the activity luciferu00e1sica in amp COA ligases, process of luminescent activity inhibition of protoluciferase for pre selection and bioprospecu00e7u00e3o substrates carboxu00ed Licos biosensor cell and pharmaceutical composition.

Emzima amp CoA ligase active luciferase (zophobas Morio), developed by engineering genetics, process to implement the activity luciferu00e1sica in amp COA ligases, process of luminescent activity inhibition of protoluciferase for pre selection and bioprospecu00e7u00e3o substrates carboxu00ed Licos biosensor cell and pharmaceutical composition.

机译:由工程遗传学开发的Emzima amp CoA连接酶活性荧光素酶(zophobas Morio),用于在amp COA连接酶中实现活性lucifer u00s1ica的过程,用于预选择和原生质酶原酶的发光活性抑制过程,用于底物盒生物传感器细胞和药物组合物。


The enzyme amp CoA ligase active luciferase (zophobas Morio), developed by genetic engineering process to implement the activity luciferu00e1sica in amp COA ligases, process of luminescent activity inhibition of protoluiferase for pre selection and bioprospecu00e7u00e3o substrates carboxu00edl ICOS biosensor cell and pharmaceutical composition.It is described a new enzyme amp CoA ligase with properties of luciferase ATP for the purpose of detoxification it and excretion of xenobiotics. The enzyme is use in detoxification it and excretion of xenobiotic organic substrates, and potential target of pharmaceutical drugs and pesticides, is useful in the identification process of the enzyme.The development of a new luciferase from this enzyme, with the properties of luminescu00eania comparable to traditional luciferases beetles in the presence of D - Firefly luciferin of ATP, a technique to implement the activity luciferu00e1sica in amp COA ligases through mutagenesis Si Uncle - directed, a biosensor cell and a pharmaceutical composition are also described.
机译:酶amp CoA连接酶活性荧光素酶(zophobas Morio),是通过基因工程方法开发的,以实现amp COA连接酶中的荧光素活性,用于预选择的原淀粉酶的发光活性抑制过程和生物底物Carbox u00edl ICOS描述了一种具有萤光素酶ATP特性的新型酶amp CoA连接酶,用于其解毒和排泄异源生物。该酶可用于解毒和排泄异种生物有机底物,并可能作为药物和农药的靶标,在酶的鉴定过程中很有用。由该酶开发的新型萤光素酶具有发光特性。与在ATP的D-萤火虫荧光素存在下可与传统荧光素酶甲虫相比的甲虫,还描述了一种通过诱变Si Uncle指导的,在amp COA连接酶中实现荧光素活性的技术,该生物传感细胞和药物组合物。



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