首页> 外国专利> method and controller for modellpru00e4diktiven scheme of mehrphasigen dc / dc transformer

method and controller for modellpru00e4diktiven scheme of mehrphasigen dc / dc transformer



for a simple feasible procedures for modellpru00e4diktiven scheme of dc / dcwandlers, and a corresponding controller, the programming of the modellpru00e4diktiven system in large pru00e4diktionshorizonten quickly enough can be solved, it is provided that the opti mierungsproblem two optimization problems will be dividedby the control unit (10), a modellpru00e4diktive ausgangsgru00f6u00dfenregelung and modellpru00e4diktive drosselstromregelung are implementedwith the ausgangsgru00f6u00dfenregelung the strands of the mehrphasigen dc / dc converter (12) to a single strand are combined and it zeitdiskretes zustandsraummodell is created and the ausgangsgru00f6u00dfenregelung on a first cost function (j) of the optimierungsproblems d he ausgangsgru00f6u00dfenregelung the input voltage (uv.(k + 1) of the next abtastschrittes (k + 1) for the single strand pru00e4diziert the drosselstromregelung as default is specified and the drosselstromregelung thereof by means of a second cost function (ji) of the optimierungsproblems the drosselstromregelung for the next abtastschritt (k + 1) the necessary switch positions the switches (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.s6) of the strands of the mehrphasigen dc / dc converter (12) is determined.
机译:对于一个简单的可行的dc / dcwandlers模型模型方案和一个相应的控制器,可以足够快地解决大型模型在大型模型中的编程问题,并提出了优化问题两个优化问题。将通过控制单元(10)进行划分,将模型aprgang转换为直流/直流单链直流(dc / dc)的链,从而实现模型aprgang的drosselstromregelung和模型lpr u00f6的drosselstromregelung。合并,然后创建zestanddiskra zustandsraummodell,并在优化问题的第一个成本函数(j)上建立ausgangsgr u00f6 u00dfenregelung,然后下一个输入变量的输入电压(uv。(k + 1)(v +(k + 1)))。 1)对于单链pr u00e4diziert,指定了默认的drosselstromregelung,并通过第二个co optimierungs的st函数(ji)会给下一个实例(k + 1)问题带来drosselstromregelung问题,必要的开关将开关位置(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5.s6)定位于金属直流/直流转换器( 12)确定。



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