首页> 外国专利> DEVICE FOR FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING DOCTORS Video endoscopic transforaminal hernia of intervertebral discs of the lumbar-sacral spine

DEVICE FOR FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING DOCTORS Video endoscopic transforaminal hernia of intervertebral discs of the lumbar-sacral spine



The invention relates to the field of medicine, in particular to the field of neurosurgery and operative surgery and can be used to practice manual skills of surgical interventions on the structures of the lumbosacral spine.; The purpose of the utility model - to provide optimal conditions for the study of anatomical and topographical relations of the spinal canal structures at transforaminal access and create the possibility of multiple long-term use of the device.; The object is achieved in that the device for learning the basics of doctors videoendoscopy transforaminal removal of herniated discs of the lumbar-sacral spine includes an anatomical preparation, which is a block of soft tissue paravertebral region with a lumbosacral spine bone and connective tissue structures, dural sac. Anatomical preparation made by polymeric embalming and comprises operating tunnels transforaminal posterior-lateral access to the spinal canal and the intervertebral disc, the intervertebral disc is removed from the nucleus pulposus.; 1 n.p.f., 1 fig.
机译:本发明涉及医学领域,尤其涉及神经外科和手术外科领域,可用于对腰s骨结构进行外科手术干预的手工技能。本实用新型的目的是为研究经椎间孔进入时椎管结构的解剖学和地形学关系提供最佳条件,并为该装置的多次长期使用创造了可能性。该目的是通过以下方法实现的:用于学习医生的视频内窥镜的经椎间孔经椎间孔切除术的腰-椎椎间盘突出的装置包括解剖学准备,该解剖学准备是一块具有腰ral骨和结缔组织结构的软组织椎旁区域,硬脑膜囊通过聚合物防腐处理制成的解剖制剂,包括经椎间孔经椎体后外侧通道进入椎管和椎间盘,从髓核中取出椎间盘。 1 n.p.f.,1图


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