首页> 外国专利> Cryptographic system, method of generating a secret key of the user for use in a cryptographic system based on attribute hierarchical method of decryption of a ciphertext for use in a cryptographic system based on attribute hierarchical method of Cr Iptografia a message for use in a cryptographic system based on hierarchical attribute, and.The computer program

Cryptographic system, method of generating a secret key of the user for use in a cryptographic system based on attribute hierarchical method of decryption of a ciphertext for use in a cryptographic system based on attribute hierarchical method of Cr Iptografia a message for use in a cryptographic system based on hierarchical attribute, and.The computer program



Abstract cryptographic system, method of generating a secret key of the user for use in a cryptographic system based on attribute hierarchical method of decryption of a ciphertext for use in a cryptographic system based on hierarchical attribute, mu00e9tod The encryption of a message for use in a cryptographic system based on hierarchical attribute, and.The computer program an authority of area 13 for use in a hierarchy of domain authority in a cryptographic system hierarchy.The authority of the area 13 comprises a generator of secret key of the user 21 to generate a secret key of the user based on a secret key of the field and one or more representations of the attribute, in order to obtain a secret key of the user associated with a set of attributes and The teeth to the representations of the attribute.And the secret key of the field is based on a secret key of the field of an authority of area of origin or a secret key root of an authority root of the hierarchy of domain authority and the representations of the attribute are independent of the hierarchy. A descriptografador makes use of the secret key of the user.A criptografador generates the ciphertext that can be decrypted by the descriptografador. 1 / 1
机译:抽象密码系统,基于属性分层生成用于密码系统的用户的秘密密钥的方法,基于分层属性的用于密码系统的密文解密的方法,m u00e9tod计算机程序对区域13的权限进行编程,以在密码系统层次结构中的域权限的层次结构中使用。区域13的权限包括用户21的密钥的生成器。基于字段的秘密密钥和属性的一个或多个表示,生成用户的秘密密钥,以获得与一组属性和属性的表示有关的用户的秘密密钥。并且该字段的秘密密钥基于起源区域的权限的字段的秘密密钥或域权限的层次结构的权限根的秘密密钥根属性的表示形式与层次结构无关。描述者利用用户的密钥。criptografador生成可以被描述者解密的密文。 1 / 1



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