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A method for the differential diagnosis of chronic latent current prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men



FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to urology, and can be used for differential diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) and chronic latent prostatitis. Microcirculation is measured by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) at VCI hui-yin point located in crotch area between scrotum and anus along median line. Perform three sessions of low-intensity laser therapy on the prostate gland. Microcirculation is re-measured. With increase of 15 % or more, the chronic latent current prostatitis is diagnosed. In the absence of changes or increase of less than 15 % diagnose CPPS.EFFECT: method allows to increase the efficiency of differential diagnostics by means of objectifying the evaluation of microcirculation.1 cl, 2 ex
机译:技术领域本发明涉及医学,即泌尿外科,可用于慢性盆腔疼痛综合征(CPPS)和慢性潜伏性前列腺炎的鉴别诊断。微循环通过激光多普勒血流仪(LDF)在阴囊和肛门之间的V区沿中线的VCI回音点测量。在前列腺上进行三节低强度激光治疗。重新测量微循环。如果增加15%或更多,则可以诊断出慢性潜伏性前列腺炎。在没有变化或增加少于15%的情况下诊断CPPS。效果:该方法可通过客观化微循环的评估来提高鉴别诊断的效率.1 cl,2 ex


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