机译:HPP DAM的服务溢洪道


FIELD: construction.;SUBSTANCE: invention can be used to regulate the water level in water bodies that have a threat of flooding, for example, on the rivers Zeya, Amur and other similar reservoirs. Also for the transfer of flood waters from the Zeya Reservoir to the downstream to achieve 310 meters A.S.L. by 1 August so that the spillways do not cause damage to the base of the Zeya Dam. The service surface spillway at the Zeya HPP is supplemented by at least one classical aqueduct. The aqueduct is functionally a continuation of the service surface spillway. The conjugation with the aqueduct is made above the springboard of the service surface spillway. The aqueduct, from conjunction with the tray of the service surface spillway before reaching the horizontal position of the aqueduct, has smooth curvature, allowing the watercourse to undergo without spray, i.e. smooth flow to the outlet, which is made at a considerable distance from the dam base. The aqueduct is throughout rigidly fixed to the bearing supports. The aqueducts themselves are made of stainless steel, or of any known non-corrosive metal, or metal with corrosion-resistant coating and/or concrete and/or reinforced concrete and are solid or modular or precast solid. The aqueducts in the walls have branch pipes that are installed in the walls of the aqueduct at an angle 45°±25°. The branch pipe is curved relative to the aqueduct across the river, water enters the branch pipe at an angle 45°±25°, but exits from the branch pipe at an angle 80°±25°. The branch pipes are installed in such a way that the water jets emanating from neighbouring aqueducts collide with each other, and the water energy is quenched and its speed slows down. The speed of the water flow of the falling water and the water flowing through the aqueduct is 30-50 m/sec. If this stream is not retarded to the river current (2-3 m/s), then this stream will bring considerable destruction on the shoreline of the river, and also threaten the vessels in the riverbed.;EFFECT: rational distribution of water resources and prevention of floods, lowering the level of reservoirs and protecting the dam base from destruction.;7 cl, 2 dwg
机译:技术领域本发明可用于调节有洪水威胁的水体中的水位,例如在Zeya,阿穆尔河和其他类似水库上。也用于将洪水从Zeya水库转移到下游以达到310米A.S.L.到8月1日,溢洪道才不会损坏Zeya大坝的底部。 Zeya HPP的服务面溢洪道由至少一根经典渡槽补充。渡槽在功能上是地表溢洪道的延续。与渡槽的连接在工作面溢洪道的跳板上方进行。渡槽在到达渡槽的水平位置之前,与服务表面溢洪道的塔板结合在一起,具有平滑的曲率,使水道不受喷雾的影响,即平稳地流向出口,这与水道相距相当远。大坝基地。渡槽始终牢固地固定在轴承支架上。渡槽本身由不锈钢制成,或由任何已知的非腐蚀性金属或具有耐腐蚀涂层的金属和/或混凝土和/或钢筋混凝土制成,并且为实心或模块化或预制实心。壁中的渡槽具有支管,支管以45°±25°的角度安装在渡槽的壁中。支管相对于横跨河流的渡槽是弯曲的,水以45°±25°的角度进入支管,但以80°±25°的角度从支管流出。支管的安装方式是,从相邻的水道发出的水流相互碰撞,水能被骤冷,其速度变慢。下降水和流经渡槽的水的水流速度为30-50 m / sec。如果这股水流不被河水阻滞(2-3 m / s),那么这条河水将在河岸上带来相当大的破坏,并威胁到河床中的船只。效果:合理分配水资源和防洪,降低水库水位,保护坝基不受破坏。; 7 cl,2 dwg



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