of the navigation satellites at the time of measurements as coordinates of a point lying simultaneously on n spheres with centers in points in contrast to the known one, vectors from the center of mass of the SC to the antennas in the coordinate system associated with the SC are determined, further determined is the orientation of the SC in the Greenwich coordinate system, determined are the vectors from the center of mass of the SC to the antennas in the Greenwich coordinate system, determined are projections of these vectors on the direction from the SC to the navigation satellites, summed are these projections with the measured distances of the respective antennas, and determined are the coordinates of the SC from the obtained sums. Herewith in the device for determining the coordinates of the SC according to the signals of the navigation satellites, including m antennas, the outputs of which are connected to the corresponding inputs of the m units of forming the distance and the coordinates of the navigation satellites, as well as the unit for determining the coordinates of the SC, an orientation unit and an antenna coordinate setter are additionally introduced, the outputs of which are connected to the corresponding inputs of the antennas coordinate converter, the outputs of which are connected to the first inputs of the distance correction driver, to the second inputs of which the first output of the unit of forming the distance and the coordinates of the navigation satellites is connected, the outputs of the distance correction driver are connected to the inputs of m adders, to the second inputs of which the second outputs of the unit of forming the distance and the coordinates of the navigation satellites are connected, the outputs of the adders are connected to the first inputs of the SC coordinate determination unit, to the second inputs of which the first outputs of the unit of forming the distance and the coordinates of the navigation satellites are connected, the output of the SC coordinate determination unit is the output of the claimed device. Thus, an increase in the accuracy is ensured by increasing the number of measurements from the navigation satellites due to using the signals of all the NS falling within the field of view of all the antennas to determine the SC coordinates, as well as due to bringing measurements from the coordinates of several antennas to one common coordinate that coincides with the center of mass of the SC.;EFFECT: technical result is an increase in the accuracy of the determination of the SC coordinates at arbitrary angular manoeuvring of the SC.;2 cl, 7 dwg"/> METHOD OF DETERMINING COORDINATES OF SPACECRAFT BY SIGNALS OF NAVIGATION SATELLITES AND DEVICE FOR DETERMINING COORDINATES OF SPACECRAFT BY SIGNALS OF NAVIGATION SATELLITES




FIELD: navigation system.;SUBSTANCE: invention relates to navigational instrument making and can find application in navigation systems of spacecraft (SC) according to the signals of navigation satellites (NS) included in Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GSNS), for example, by signals of the GLONASS or the GPS NS. To this end in the method for determining SC coordinates by signals of navigation satellites, which includes the emission of radio signals from navigation satellites with known orbital parameters at known times, reception of radio signals from the navigation satellites by antennas mounted on the spacecraft from i navigation satellites being within the fields of view of the respective antennas, determination of range di between i navigation satellites and the SC by the difference in the radio signal reception and emission time, the determination of the SC coordinates from the measured distances and coordinates of the navigation satellites at the time of measurements as coordinates of a point lying simultaneously on n spheres with centers in points in contrast to the known one, vectors from the center of mass of the SC to the antennas in the coordinate system associated with the SC are determined, further determined is the orientation of the SC in the Greenwich coordinate system, determined are the vectors from the center of mass of the SC to the antennas in the Greenwich coordinate system, determined are projections of these vectors on the direction from the SC to the navigation satellites, summed are these projections with the measured distances of the respective antennas, and determined are the coordinates of the SC from the obtained sums. Herewith in the device for determining the coordinates of the SC according to the signals of the navigation satellites, including m antennas, the outputs of which are connected to the corresponding inputs of the m units of forming the distance and the coordinates of the navigation satellites, as well as the unit for determining the coordinates of the SC, an orientation unit and an antenna coordinate setter are additionally introduced, the outputs of which are connected to the corresponding inputs of the antennas coordinate converter, the outputs of which are connected to the first inputs of the distance correction driver, to the second inputs of which the first output of the unit of forming the distance and the coordinates of the navigation satellites is connected, the outputs of the distance correction driver are connected to the inputs of m adders, to the second inputs of which the second outputs of the unit of forming the distance and the coordinates of the navigation satellites are connected, the outputs of the adders are connected to the first inputs of the SC coordinate determination unit, to the second inputs of which the first outputs of the unit of forming the distance and the coordinates of the navigation satellites are connected, the output of the SC coordinate determination unit is the output of the claimed device. Thus, an increase in the accuracy is ensured by increasing the number of measurements from the navigation satellites due to using the signals of all the NS falling within the field of view of all the antennas to determine the SC coordinates, as well as due to bringing measurements from the coordinates of several antennas to one common coordinate that coincides with the center of mass of the SC.;EFFECT: technical result is an increase in the accuracy of the determination of the SC coordinates at arbitrary angular manoeuvring of the SC.;2 cl, 7 dwg
机译:技术领域本发明涉及导航仪器的制造,并且可以根据例如全球卫星导航系统(GSNS)中包括的导航卫星(NS)的信号在航天器(SC)的导航系统中找到应用。 GLONASS或GPS NS的信号。为此,在用于通过导航卫星的信号确定SC坐标的方法中,该方法包括在已知时间从具有已知轨道参数的导航卫星发射无线电信号,通过安装在航天器上的天线从导航卫星接收无线电信号。导航卫星位于相应天线的视场内,通过无线电信号接收和发射时间的差异确定i导航卫星与SC之间的距离d i ,并确定SC坐标从测得的距离和坐标测量时导航卫星的坐标点同时位于n个球体上,中心在点中与已知的相反,矢量来自t的质心确定SC到与SC相关联的坐标系中的天线,进一步确定SC在格林威治坐标系中的取向,确定从SC质心到格林威治坐标系中天线的矢量,确定这些矢量在从SC到导航卫星的方向上的投影,将这些投影与测得的各个天线的距离相加,并从获得的和确定SC的坐标。因此,在用于根据导航卫星的信号确定SC的坐标的装置中,包括m个天线,其输出连接到m个形成导航卫星的距离和坐标的单位的相应输入,除了用于确定SC坐标的单元外,还引入了定向单元和天线坐标设置器,其输出连接到天线坐标转换器的相应输入,其输出连接到第一个天线坐标转换器。距离校正驱动器的输入连接到m个加法器的输入,第二距离输入连接到形成距离和导航卫星坐标的单位的第一输出,距离校正驱动器的输出连接到第二输入。形成距离和导航卫星坐标的单位的第二输出是第二输入在连接时,加法器的输出连接到SC坐标确定单元的第一输入,将形成距离和导航卫星的坐标的单元的第一输出连接到SC坐标确定单元的第一输入, SC坐标确定单元是所要求保护的设备的输出。因此,由于使用落在所有天线视场内的所有NS的信号来确定SC坐标,以及由于携带了所有NS的信号,因此通过增加来自导航卫星的测量次数来确保准确性的提高。从几根天线的坐标到与SC质心重合的一个公共坐标进行测量;效果:技术结果是在SC进行任意角度操纵时确定SC坐标的准确性有所提高; 2 cl,7 dwg



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