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Search engine optimization countermeasure system



PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To simplify an effective measure as an SEO measure for a small and medium enterprise. SOLUTION: The shared site provided by the main server 1 includes business owner-specific pages that are advertisement pages of different business owners, and each business owner-specific page relates to the same type of business in a specific industry. A keyword is set. Each business owner page has a keyword that specifies the region and a keyword related to the same type of business in a specific industry, so that it can be hit when searching for the same type of business in that region and that specific industry. It has become. [Selection] Figure 1
机译:要解决的问题:简化有效措施,将其作为中小企业的SEO措施。解决方案:由主服务器1提供的共享站点包括特定于企业主的页面,这些页面是不同企业主的广告页面,并且每个特定于企业主的页面都与特定行业中的同一类型的企业相关。设置了关键字。每个企业所有者页面都有一个指定区域的关键字和一个与特定行业中相同类型的企业相关的关键字,以便在该地区和特定行业中搜索相同类型的企业时可以将其选中。它变成了。 [选择]图1



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