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problems with the speiseru00f6ffnung overarching network fabric

机译:speiser u00f6ffnung总体网络结构存在的问题


problems (10) in the form of a kopfspeisers for insertion into a casting mould of metal used, consisting of an internal cavity (12) speiservolumen enclosing an exothermic, and / or insulating material existing speiserkorpus (11).what in the mould can be trained formhohlraum area (15), a speiseru00f6ffnung (16) for connecting the inner cavity (12) of the speiserkorpus (11) with the formhohlraum the mould during the cast ing speed is characterizedthat the speiserkorpus (11) from a heat-resistant material of annular part (17) with a mounted therein from a refractory material existing network fabrics (18), which is the speiseru00f6ffnung (16) of the speiserkorpus (11) straddles, with the frame (17) in the surface (15) of the speiserkorpus (11) that is arrangedthe netzartige tissue (18) in the mould (10) coalesced problems directly on the surface of the casting formed gussstu00fccks is positioned.
机译:问题(10)形式为kopfspeisers,用于插入使用的金属铸模中,包括一个内腔(12)speiservolumen,其中放热,和/或绝缘材料存在的speiserkorpus(11)。在经过培训的模制区域(15)中,用于在浇铸速度期间将模制(11)的内腔(12)与模制连接的模制器(16),其特征在于:环形部件(17)的耐腐蚀材料,其中安装有由耐火材料制成的现有网状织物(18),该网状织物是speiserkorpus(11)的speiser u00f6ffnung(16),其框架(17)位于表面( 15)的speiserkorpus(11)布置在模具(10)中的网状组织(18)上,将聚结的问题直接定位在铸件形成的衬套的表面上。



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