

INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property 1111114110111010101111101 110 1 01011111111110111011110 MEI HMI Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date ......0""1 WO 2018/083594 A4 11 May 2018 (11.05.2018) WIPO I PCT (51) International Patent Classification: (71) Applicant: INDUSTRIE DE NORA S.P.A. [IT/IT]; Via CO2F 1/465 (2006.01) CO2F 9/00 (2006.01) Bistolfi 35, 20134 Milano (IT). CO2F 1/467 (2006.01) CO2F 11/12 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: CASBEER, Dana; 1110 Industrial Blvd., Su- CO2F 1/52 (2006.01) CO2F 103/00 (2006.01) gar Land, Texas 77478 (US). BARIYA, Rubin; 1110 In- CO2F 1/56 (2006.01) CO2F 103/08 (2006.01) dustrial Blvd., Sugar Land, Texas 77478 (US). PATEL, Se- (21) International Application Number: hul; 1110 Industrial Blvd., Sugar Land, Texas 77478 (US). PCT/IB2017/056766 MATOUSEK, Rudolf; 1110 Industrial Blvd., Sugar Land, (22) International Filing Date: Texas 77478 (US). REEVES, Thomas; 1110 Industrial 31 October 2017 (31.10.2017) Blvd., Sugar Land, Texas 77478 (US). (25) Filing Language: English (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, (26) Publication Language: English AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, (30) Priority Data: CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, 62/417,013 03 November 2016 (03.11.2016) US HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, (54) Title: SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TREATMENT = = _ — = _ = = = = = _ = FIG. 'IA 71' Q I (57) : A method for treating wastewater 71- electrolytic cells mounted outside a batch tank. 01 tank. A diluted polymer solution is injected at ir) ef . 1 with the electrolyzed stream. The polymer solution 6f5 wastewater in the batch tank. The polymer solution facilitates flocculation ......._ © layer of flocculated solid particles attached with 015 and neutralized prior to discharge. The flocculated 1-1 are compacted to a desired level. A centrate generated 0 ei involves electrolyzing stream upstream and micro layer pumped The electrolyzed '10 of bubbles. substantially is during the electrolyzed OF Ni t 4 Alti, 4 -_,,, - . an in-line A the stream III , 1 1 1 ; 125 105 iz . 1 0 N — ;4 from the batch tank to WASTEWATER VIA ENHANCED ELECTROFLOTATION solids/sludge dewatering step Go mixer * a is piped to stream of piping into the quelling chamber substantially concurrently the suspended lit are clarified ,, ,,,--loo , IOC 11 - ' of seawater and wastewater mix within one or more a quelling dispersed effluent is separated from the flocculated layer II Cr 1 1 1 1 as solid chamber a dewatering system where entrained solids Sdi 54 99 which is mounted above the batch a fine shower over residual seawater and particles and creates a distinct buoyant is recirculated to the batch tank prior C [Continued on next page] WO 2018/083594 A4 MIDEDIMOMOIDEIREEMOOMEMIAIMOHIMEHMIE OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Declarations under Rule 4.17: — as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a patent (Rule 4.17(U)) — as to the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of the earlier application (Rule 4.17(iii)) Published: — with international search report (Art. 21(3)) — with amended claims (Art. 19(1)) Date of publication of the amended claims: 28 June 2018 (28.06.2018) to addition of seawater during a subsequent treatment cycle as a supplement seawater. to the
机译:专利合作条约(PCT)下的国际申请(19)世界知识产权1111114110111010101111101 110 1 01011111111110111011110 MEI HMI组织国际局(10)国际公开号(43)国际公开日期...... 0 “ ” 1 WO 2018/083594 A4 2018年5月11日(11.05.2018)WIPO I PCT(51)国际专利分类:(71)申请人:INDUSTRIE DE NORA SPA [IT / IT];通过CO2F 1/465(2006.01)CO2F 9/00(2006.01)Bistolfi 35,20134 Milano(IT)。 CO2F 1/467(2006.01)CO2F 11/12(2006.01)(72)发明人:CASBEER,Dana; 1110 Industrial Blvd.,Su-CO2F 1/52(2006.01)CO2F 103/00(2006.01)gar Land,Texas 77478(US)。巴里亚,鲁宾; 1110 In- CO2F 1/56(2006.01)CO2F 103/08(2006.01)得克萨斯州舒格兰德市工业大道,得克萨斯州77478(美国)。 PATEL,Se-(21)国际申请号:hul; 1110 Industrial Blvd.,Sugar Land,Texas 77478(US)。 PCT / IB2017 / 056766 MATOUSEK,鲁道夫; 1110 Industrial Blvd.,Sugar Land,(22)国际申请日期:Texas 77478(US)。 REEVES,托马斯; 1110 Industrial 2017年10月31日(2017年10月31日)大道,得克萨斯州Sugar Land,美国77478。 (25)申请语言:英语(81)指定国家(除非另有说明,针对每种可用的国家保护):AE,AG,AL,AM,(26)出版语言:英语AO,AT,AU,AZ,BA ,BB,BG,BH,BN,BR,BW,BY,BZ,(30)优先数据:CA,CH,CL,CN,CO,CR,CU,CZ,DE,DJ,DK,DM,DO,DZ ,EC,EE,EG,ES,FI,GB,GD,GE,GH,GM,GT,HN,62 / 417,013 2016年11月3日(2016年11月3日)美国HR,HU,ID,IL,IN,IR,IS ,JO,JP,KE,KG,KH,KN,KP,KR,KW,KZ,LA,LC,LK,LR,LS,LU,LY,MA,MD,ME,MG,MK,MN,MW,MX ,MY,MZ,NA,NG,NI,NO,NZ,(54)标题:治疗的系统和方法== __ == _ ===== _ = 'IA 71'Q I(57):一种用于处理废水71-安装在间歇罐外部的电解池的方法。 01坦克在ir)ef处注入稀释的聚合物溶液。 1与电解流。分批罐中的聚合物溶液6f5废水。聚合物溶液有助于絮凝......._层的絮凝固体颗粒附着在015上并在排放前被中和。将絮凝的1-1压实至所需水平。产生的0 ei离心液涉及上游的电解流和泵送的微层。电解的'10气泡。基本上是在电解的Ni t 4 Alti,4-,-,-期间。流A,流III,1 1 1; 125105 iz。 1 0 N-; 4从分批处理池到废水通过增强的电浮选过程进行固体/污泥脱水步骤Go混合器* a通过管道输送到配管室中,基本上同时澄清悬浮液,,,, IOC 11-'将一种或多种镇静分散的废水中的海水和废水混合物从絮凝层II Cr 1 1 1 1中分离出来,作为固体室和脱水系统,在其中将夹带的固体Sdi 54 99安装在该批料上方,并进行细喷残留的海水和颗粒并产生明显的浮力,然后在C之前再循环到分批处理的水箱中。[下页继续] WO 2018/083594 A4 RU,RW,SA,SC,SD,SE,SG,SK,SL,SM,ST,SV,SY,TH,TJ,TM,TN,TR,TT,TZ,UA,UG,US,UZ,VC, VN,ZA,ZM,ZW。 (84)指定国家(除非另有说明,对于每种可用的区域保护):ARIPO(BW,GH,GM,KE,LR,LS,MW,MZ,NA,RW,SD,SL,ST,SZ,TZ ,UG,ZM,ZW),欧亚(AM,AZ,BY,KG,KZ,RU,TJ,TM),欧洲(AL,AT,BE,BG,CH,CY,CZ,DE,DK,EE,ES ,FI,FR,GB,GR,HR,HU,IE,IS,IS,IT,LT,LU,LV,MC,MK,MT,NL,NO,PL,PT,RO,RS,SE,SI,SK,SM ,TR),OAPI(BF,BJ,CF,CG,CI,CM,GA,GN,GQ,GW,KM,ML,MR,NE,SN,TD,TG)。根据细则4.17所作的声明:—关于申请人申请专利并被授予专利的权利(第4.17(U)条)—关于申请人要求在先申请的优先权(第4.17(iii)条)的优先权已发布:—国际检索报告(第21条第3款)-主张权利已修订(第19条第1款)声明的公布日期:2018年6月28日(2018年6月28日),在随后的处理周期中增加海水补充海水。到



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