首页> 外国专利> Genetic construct based on a non-viral vector plasmid containing the cDNA of the P4HA2 gene for arresting manifestations of the human body states associated with a decrease in the expression of the P4HA2 gene and / or a decrease in the amount of prolyl protein 4-hydroxyllase alpha 2, method of production and use

Genetic construct based on a non-viral vector plasmid containing the cDNA of the P4HA2 gene for arresting manifestations of the human body states associated with a decrease in the expression of the P4HA2 gene and / or a decrease in the amount of prolyl protein 4-hydroxyllase alpha 2, method of production and use

机译:基于非病毒载体质粒的遗传构建体,该质粒包含P4HA2基因的cDNA,用于逮捕与P4HA2基因表达减少和/或脯氨酰蛋白质4-羟化酶量减少有关的人体状态表现alpha 2,生产和使用方法


FIELD: biotechnology; medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to molecular biology, biotechnology, genetic engineering and medicine, and can be used for relief of manifestations of human body conditions associated with reduced expression of P4NA2 gene and/or reduced amount of protein prolyl 4-hydroxy acid alpha 2. Disclosed is a genetic construct based on a non-viral DNA vector comprising a P4NA2 gene cDNA selected from genetic constructs, each of which represents a genetic construct based on a DNA vector comprising a cDNA of the P4NA2 gene, with a coding protein sequence of prolyl 4-hydroxy-oxidase alpha 2, with 5' deletions and 3'-non-translated regions, specifically obtained based on the native non-modified cDNA region of the P4NA2 gene SEQ ID No: 1 or modified cDNA of the P4NA2 gene, wherein the modified P4NA2 gene cDNA used is SEQ ID No: 2, or SEQ ID No: 3, or SEQ ID No: 4, or SEQ ID No: 5, or SEQ ID No: 6, or SEQ ID No: 7, or a combination of these genetic constructs, each of which also contains regulatory elements providing a high level of expression of the P4NA2 gene in eukaryotic cells. Method of producing a genetic construct and use thereof are also provided.EFFECT: invention allows increasing the amount of prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha 2 protein in eukaryotic cells.6 cl, 28 dwg, 20 ex
机译:领域:生物技术;药物本发明涉及分子生物学,生物技术,基因工程和医学,并可用于减轻与P4NA2基因表达减少和/或蛋白质脯氨酰基4-羟基酸α2的量减少有关的人体状况的表现。公开了一种基于非病毒DNA载体的遗传构建体,所述非病毒DNA载体包含选自遗传构建体的P4NA2基因cDNA,每个代表基于包含P4NA2基因的cDNA的DNA载体的遗传构建体,其编码蛋白序列为基于P4NA2基因SEQ ID No:1的天然非修饰cDNA区域或P4NA2基因的修饰cDNA特别获得的具有5'缺失和3'非翻译区的脯氨酰4-羟基氧化酶α2其中所用的修饰的P4NA2基因cDNA是SEQ ID No:2或SEQ ID No:3或SEQ ID No:4或SEQ ID No:5或SEQ ID No:6或SEQ ID No:7或这些遗传构建体的组合,每个构建体还包含regulat在真核细胞中提供高水平表达P4NA2基因的分子。还提供了产生基因构建体的方法及其用途。效果:本发明允许增加真核细胞中脯氨酰4-羟化酶α2蛋白的量。6cl,28 dwg,20 ex



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