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Expansion device, expansion method and expansion program



PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To efficiently obtain high-quality learning data which greatly improves the accuracy of a model by data expansion. An expansion device provides predetermined data from an external data set based on a metric calculated from the degree of similarity between the target data set and the external data set and the degree of uniformity of the external data set. Select a set. The extension device makes it easy for the generator to be identified as genuine by the classifier when the target class is specified for the generator, and the probability of belonging to multiple external classes by the classifier is non-zero and even. The generative model is trained so as to generate the data calculated in. The extension device specifies the target class in the generator of the trained generative model and generates data. The expansion device extracts data identified as fake by the classifier from the generated data as expansion data. The expansion device assigns a target label to the extracted expansion data. [Selection diagram] Fig. 1
机译:要解决的问题:有效获取高质量的学习数据,可通过数据扩展极大地提高模型的准确性。扩展设备基于从目标数据集和外部数据集之间的相似度和外部数据集的均匀度计算出的度量,从外部数据集提供预定数据。选择一个集合。当为生成器指定目标类别时,扩展设备使生成器很容易被分类器识别为正版,并且分类器属于多个外部类别的概率为非零甚至偶数。对生成模型进行训练,以生成计算出的数据。扩展设备在训练后的生成模型的生成器中指定目标类别,并生成数据。扩展设备从生成的数据中提取由分类器识别为伪造的数据作为扩展数据。扩展设备将目标标签分配给提取的扩展数据。 [选择图]图1



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