首页> 外国专利> Germanium-functionalized disubstituted digermoxysilsesquioxanes with the structure of incompletely closed cage and the method for obtaining germanium-functionalized disubstituted digermoxysilsesquioxanes with the structure of incompletely closed cage

Germanium-functionalized disubstituted digermoxysilsesquioxanes with the structure of incompletely closed cage and the method for obtaining germanium-functionalized disubstituted digermoxysilsesquioxanes with the structure of incompletely closed cage



the subject application is germano - funkcjonalizowane dwupodstawione digermoksysilseskwioksany structure niedomkniu0119tej cage of general formula 2, where r is equal to and means izobutyl, and r1, r2, r3 are equal and means me or et or ipr.the subject application is also a way to receive germano - functionalized di substituted digermoksysilseskwioksanu00f3w, structure niedomkniu0119tej cage, of general formula 2 of catalytic coupling reaction particles disilanolu poss with 2 - in the presence metyloallilogermananami in lewis acid group triflatu00f3w as catalystthe reaction results in niepolarnym aromatic solvent.
机译:本申请是德国专利-通式2的结构,其中r等于并表示异丁基,r1,r2,r3等于并且表示me或et或ipr。接收锗的方法-官能化的二取代的digermoksysilseskwioksan u,结构niedomkni u0119tej笼,具有2的催化偶合反应颗粒disilanolu poss的通式2-在路易斯酸基三氟甲磺酸基的平面中存在,作为芳烃,反应结果是niepolarnym溶剂。



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