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Collision-balancing frequency hopping in single-hop mobile ad hoc networks

机译:单跳移动ad hoc网络中的冲突平衡跳频



We consider a single-hop frequency hopping (FH) mobile ad hoc network (MANET). To increase throughput orthogonal FH (O-FH) with hop-synchronous hopping can be used, thereby allowing collision-free transmissions under certain circumstances. However, as the MANET grows, hopping sequences must be re-used. As a result, nodes sharing the same sequence will experience deterministic collisions while others having a unique sequence will still communicate collision-free. This results in an emph{unfair} interference situation and makes performance guarantees difficult to meet for all nodes simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a emph{collision-balancing} FH (CB-FH) scheme to overcome this drawback. The CB scheme builds on O-FH and adapts the sequence set to balance interference among the nodes. We analytically study the characteristics of the adaptive sequences and analyze the resulting interference situation at the nodes. The performance is compared to uncoordinated FH (U-FH) and O-FH. It is found that CB-FH solves the problem of unfairness present in O-FH. Compared to U-FH, CB-FH yields considerable improvements in a wide range. Practical issues are discussed.
机译:我们考虑单跳跳频(FH)移动自组织网络(MANET)。为了增加吞吐量,可以使用具有跳跳同步的正交FH(O-FH),从而在某些情况下允许无冲突的传输。但是,随着MANET的增长,必须重新使用跳频序列。结果,共享相同序列的节点将经历确定性冲突,而其他具有唯一序列的节点仍将无冲突地通信。这会导致出现{不公平}的干扰情况,并使所有节点无法同时满足性能保证。在本文中,我们提出了一种Emph {冲突平衡} FH(CB-FH)方案来克服此缺点。 CB方案建立在O-FH之上,并调整序列集以平衡节点之间的干扰。我们分析研究自适应序列的特征,并分析在节点处产生的干扰情况。将性能与未​​协调的FH(U-FH)和O-FH进行比较。发现CB-FH解决了O-FH中存在的不公平问题。与U-FH相比,CB-FH在广泛的范围内产生了可观的改进。讨论了实际问题。



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