首页> 外文OA文献 >Riesgos laborales y calidad de servicio: un análisis de las condiciones y regulaciones laborales y los impactos del incremento de la productividad en la salud de las y los operadores telefónicos de la Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones empresa pública CNT EP desde enero 2008 hasta diciembre 2015

Riesgos laborales y calidad de servicio: un análisis de las condiciones y regulaciones laborales y los impactos del incremento de la productividad en la salud de las y los operadores telefónicos de la Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones empresa pública CNT EP desde enero 2008 hasta diciembre 2015

机译:职业风险和服务质量:2008年1月至2015年12月国家电信公司上市公司CNT Ep对劳动条件和法规以及生产率提高对电话运营商健康影响的分析


Risks are present throughout the course of life. We are all exposed to events that could damage our health. In carrying out the work activities we also risk adverse results due to causes, most of which are susceptible to be controlled in the place of origin. The telephone operators of the Service and Customer Service SAC of the National Corporation of Telecommunications Public Company CNT EP, are not unaware of this reality. These workers perceive health problems related to their work activity. This can be evidenced in the revelations of these workers, who perceive impairments mainly with hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and stress. The latter is of great importance for companies today, as it tends to reduce productivity and quality. This research is based on testimonies collected from the actors, through interviews and descriptively. Secondary data were also used, such as the number of SAC workers and their work roles. The bibliography was based mainly on the occupational risks, the Call Centers and / or Contac Centers, the current norms of occupational health and Constitutional norm. This document intends to identify the perception of the occupational health problems presented by the telephone operators of the Telephone Service SAC of the National Corporation of Telecommunications, Public Company CNT and its possible causes. This document makes recommendations aimed at correcting these deficiencies. This study hopes to be a contribution to the correct and efficient management of one of the main resources of the state, the human resource. In this case, the human resource composed of the telephone operators of the SAC of the CNT EP Center Contact Center
机译:在整个生命过程中都存在风险。我们所有人都面临可能损害我们健康的事件。在进行工作活动时,我们还会因原因而冒着不利后果的风险,其中大部分很容易在原产地得到控制。国家电信公共公司CNT EP的服务和客户服务SAC的电话运营商并不了解这种情况。这些工人认为与工作活动有关的健康问题。这些工人的启示可以证明这一点,他们认为损伤主要是听力损失,腕管综合症和压力。后者对于当今的公司非常重要,因为它会降低生产率和质量。这项研究基于通过访谈和描述性方式从演员那里收集的证词。还使用了辅助数据,例如SAC工人的数量及其工作角色。参考书目主要基于职业风险,呼叫中心和/或Contac中心,当前的职业健康规范和宪法规范。本文档旨在确定对国家电信公司国营公司CNT的电话服务SAC的电话运营商提出的职业健康问题的看法及其可能的原因。本文档提出了旨在纠正这些缺陷的建议。这项研究希望为正确有效地管理国家的主要资源之一人力资源做出贡献。在这种情况下,由CNT EP中心联络中心SAC的电话接线员组成的人力资源



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